The Mines of Moria Raid - Chapter 2!
Continuing the adventure!
Greetings Ring-bearers,
We hope you’ve been enjoying the first chapter of the Mines of Moria Raid! We’ve previously spoken about how the Mines of Moria Raid will unfold chapter-by-chapter.
Coming to The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth™ is Chapter 2 of our Mines of Moria Raid!
‘Doom, Doom…’ will be available in-game in approximately a week and half from now.
The Shadowy Figure has lured Gandalf away from the Fellowship, leaving them to fend off the hordes of Orcs by themselves. With your assistance, they have defeated the first waves, allowing them to move deeper into the Mines, hoping to find a path to escape.
In this second chapter of the Mines of Moria, we encounter a new foe as the Fellowship delves deeper. A Cave Troll blocks their travels through the depths of the mountain. Will your Ring of Power and the Champions you have collected be enough to defeat this terrible beast and guide the Fellowship to safety?

The Moria Cave Troll is a massive creature who is able to resist damage and Banes with his thick, stony skin. In battle, he gains Momentum (a unique Boon that makes him faster and empowers his attacks) by using his abilities, counterattacking, and blocking incoming attacks. To defeat this Cave Troll, you will need to control this Momentum by landing Critical Hits, bringing dispels, and inflicting specific Banes like Disrupted
The most effective way to defeat the Cave Troll is by intercepting the Momentum Boon with the Bekelu’s Black Serpent’s Poison and sharing Haradrim Passive Abilities with Tibeb’s Fight as One leader ability. Given their synergy as well as their strength as a group when focusing down large, single targets the Haradrim are likely to serve you well in this fight.
As a reminder, for the Mines of Moria raid, you can create and bring a team made up of any selection of characters you would like into battle. Be aware any characters you use will become exhausted and will not be able to be used in subsequent attempts in that chapter.
For additional details check out the following articles:
- Getting Ready for Raids
- Welcome to the Mines of Moria!
- The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth - Dev Diary - Raids & The Mines of Moria
Want to know more about the Haradrim? Check out the following articles and Character kits:
Onwards, and may you prevail over your foes!
For the latest news, and all things The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our Discord!
Includes in-game purchases (including random items). Abilities may require certain gear tiers to be reached. Please see in-game for more details.
© 2023 MEE. The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC used under license to EA.