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Progression in Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst

As you run, fight, explore, and progress in Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst, Faith will grow. With experience comes new skills, and these will be vital for handling the increasingly dangerous and challenging situations in the city of Glass.

Let’s go through these upgrades, and how to acquire them. Here to answer your questions about Faith’s unlock tree is Producer Jeremy Miller.

How do I progress and get new skills in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst?

- There are two ways to earn upgrades for Faith: progressing through the main story and earning experience points. Earn 1000 XP and you will receive an Upgrade Point which can be invested on new skills, in the category and order of your choice. XP is earned by completing missions, getting stars on Dashes, collecting gridLeaks - virtually everything you can do in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.


Why did you decide to add a progression system?

- We wanted to provide a way for players to learn about and master the complexity of Faith’s move set. It also allows players to add more depth and power to combat, or have more tools to avoid it when possible. One of the things I like most about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the link between the player growing in skill and Faith growing into a heroine.

Tell us about progression when it comes to Movement!

- Faith starts out with a robust core move set that can take some time to master. Once you’ve found your feet and gained some experience, you can spend Upgrade Points on various Movement skills. Among them are the Skill Roll, Quickturn, Double Wallrun, Coil, or an increased Slide distance.

- If you’re a Mirror’s Edge veteran or a fan of Dashes and Time Trials, you probably want to focus on acquiring the Movement skills first so you can access all your familiar tools.

When can I unlock more basic moves like Skill Roll and Quickturn?

- These can be unlocked early. While the progression system is an important tool for newcomers, we also know that we have a lot of returning fans that are already proficient runners and will feel comfortable with moves such as Quickturn and the Skill roll from the start.


What does the Combat progression look like?

- This lets you focus on how you want to fight - or avoid fighting when it’s possible. Focus on unlocking Combat skills if your inner fighter wants more tools or the ability to breeze through combat scenarios, maximizing Faith’s damage and minimizing the damage done to her.

- There are 4 major tiers for Combat progression: Heavy Attacks, Light Attacks, Intel, and Stamina. Spend Upgrade Points on Heavy Attacks and you’ll improve in transferring Faith’s momentum into her opponents, hurting them and knocking them off balance. Light Attacks focus on moving through opponents, maintaining speed and Focus Shield. Progressing through the Intel and Stamina tiers, you’ll unlock knowledge of how to exploit enemies’ weaknesses and the ability to take more hits, respectively.

And what about Gear?

- In the Gear category you’ll find the MAG Rope as well as the Disruptor – a very powerful set of upgrades to Faith’s glove to allow her to disrupt KrugerSec systems.

- To summarize the 3 main progression categories, Movement is at the heart of everything. Combat is an extension of Movement and Faith’s Gear affects both.

Learn more about the MAG Rope

Do you have a personal favorite unlock? Do you prefer to unlock things in a certain order?

- Yes! I generally go for the basic Movement skills right away and then jump into the Light and Heavy Attack branches to access those moves. It all depends on your play style.

- The unlocks are all fun and useful, but upgrading the MAG Rope is probably my favorite as it opens up so many traversal opportunities. Switch Place, where you quickly get behind your opponent for a follow-up attack, is also an amazing combat tool. It can drastically change your fighting style and allow Faith to gain advantage in tricky combat situations. Especially when facing the challenging Sentinel.

Start your journey as a Runner. Secure your copy of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

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