Stay Home. Play Together.
At a time where we need to stay physically apart, games can be a source of joy and connection.

To players everywhere,
Over the last month our world has changed in unimaginable ways. Today close to half the people on earth are at home in an attempt to flatten to curve and slow the coronavirus pandemic. There are more than 9,000 of us at Electronic Arts, and we’re part of a global gaming community of nearly 3 billion people. During this challenging time, our collective voices and actions can enhance each other's lives, by helping us come together in play while staying at home.
Our community is already showing what an amazing force we can be when we come together. So our message is simple: Stay Home. Play Together. At a time where we need to stay physically apart, games can be a source of joy and connection. For many in our community, they already are – and we’re going to be highlighting that through the content we are creating and sharing.
Stay & Play is also about our commitment to all of you and using the resources of Electronic Arts to provide our community with new kinds of entertainment to play or watch. We’ll have athletes, celebrities and influencers joining games with players from home. We’re working with our partners at FIFA, the NFL, NBA, NHL and UFC to create new sports moments when sports in the real world have stopped. There will be giveaways, more ways to join in our biggest games, and many more great opportunities for players as part of this program – all focused on bringing this community together and finding joy in play.
Continue to watch this space for more information.
Be safe and be well, everyone.
-- The Electronic Arts Team