Tour the EA Booth at gamescom 2015
Electronic Arts

If you can’t join us in person for gamescom this year, take a tour of our booth!
You’ll find lots of little touches from your favorite EA games like Star Wars Battlefront, FIFA 16, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and more.
Tour the EA booth at EA gamescom 2015.

Fans lining up, ready to storm the EA gamescom booth!

Our booth features a TIE fighter…

…but get too close and you’ll have to deal with security.

The calm before the storm.

Our booth has been loaded with fans all week long!

Lining up to play our most anticipated titles, like Mirror’s Edge Catalyst!

There is a lot to see at our booth! Crowds have squeezed in every last spare inch of space.

There are live performances and interviews all week. This is the view from the stage.

The view from above – we all Live to Play and we’re so glad you’re sharing gamescom with us!

Who’s ready for Need for Speed?
Tell us what you think about gamescom so far by reaching out to us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. You can also learn about how we have been living to play all Summer long.