Lands of Lore™: The Throne of Chaos

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T (Teen)
Animated Blood, Violence

About the game

Lands of Lore™: The Throne of Chaos takes you on an adventure: save the dying king and stop the evil sorceress Scotia’s Dark Army. Your band of heroes will travel through a vast fantasy world full of mysterious places, dangerous monsters, and hidden treasures in a quest to find a way to defeat the immortal evil enchantress and save the world.






Electronic Arts


Westwood Studios

Release Date

1 jan 1993 - 00 UTC

System Requirements


  • OS

    Windows XP or Vista

  • Processor

    1.8 GHz

  • Memory

    512 MB RAM

  • Graphics

    3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)

  • Storage

    2GB HDD

  • Input

    Keyboard, mouse