Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™

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Base game
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U koopt een licentie om toegang te krijgen tot deze digitale content volgens de Gebruikersovereenkomst EA. en Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn van toepassing.
E (Everyone)
Mild Violence

About the game

Mankind begins its most monumental task – the colonization of space. A crew of internationally renowned scientists and security strategists, with wide-ranging convictions and diverse ethics, embarks on a mission that will change the world. One Planet. Seven unique factions. Which will you lead? Each faction has its own agenda, each leader a final goal. You must play to each strength and exploit each hidden weakness in your quest to rule the future.






Electronic Arts


Firaxis Games

Release Date

31 jan 1999 - 18 UTC

System Requirements


  • OS

    Windows XP or Vista

  • CPU

    1.8GHz Processor

  • RAM

    512MB RAM (1GB recommended)

  • Video

    3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)

  • Hard Drive

    2GB HDD

  • Peripherals

    Mouse, keyboard

  • Ati/Amd Compatibility Notice

    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ requires graphic card drivers version 13.4 or older.

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Image of the EA Play logo, featuring the EA logo in a coral-colored circle and the word Play in coral lettering on a blue background with a coral gradient.

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