Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress

Screenshot of the overworld with in-game shops and NPCs in the layout. is now the current item in the media gallery

Artistic rendition of a futuristic warrior exiting a mirror-like portal, which is surrounded by a gargoyle.
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Use of Alcohol, Violence

About the game

After years in hiding, Minax, apprentice of Mondain, has come of age and now she’s threatening Earth. In her fury, she’s torn the fabric of time and space, opening doors you can use to bring about her doom.






Electronic Arts


Origin Systems

Release Date

24 aug 1982 - 00 UTC

System Requirements


  • OS

    Windows XP or Vista

  • CPU

    1.8 GHz Processor

  • RAM

    512MB RAM (1 GB recommended)

  • Video

    3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)

  • Hard Drive

    2GB HDD

  • Peripherals

    Mouse, keyboard