Madden NFL 24 Mobile - Seasonal Rollover
Everything you need to know about Seasonal Rollover for Madden NFL 24 Mobile

Hello, Madden NFL Mobile Fans!
First and foremost, thank you all for playing Madden NFL 23 Mobile! We feel the excitement from you each year and we know how passionate you are about the game.
We are here today because we finally get to discuss Madden NFL 24 Mobile and what it will look like. The anticipated release date of the upcoming season is August 10th, 2023 (This is subject to change). We have a lot to show you between now and then, and below, you will find both seasonal rollover details and a schedule informing you what, where, and when you can find out more about Madden NFL 24 Mobile.
As mentioned, our first discussion today will be around Seasonal Rollover! This year, Rollover from Madden NFL 23 Mobile to Madden NFL 24 Mobile will function more as a continuation rather than a traditional reset. Below, you will find descriptions of how each part of the game will transfer over and what you can expect when Madden NFL 24 Mobile launches.
Cash, Coins, Weights, and TP!
All currencies and tokens will transfer over to Madden NFL 24 Mobile. Your Madden Cash and Coin balances will not be affected in any way. You will be able to use your Level Tokens on players from both Madden NFL 23 and 24 Mobile. Your Weights and Training Points will also transfer and can be used immediately. The only currency not being transferred over is Trophies. These will be phased out in Madden NFL 24 Mobile and will not be transferred over.
Modes and Features
All returning users will have immediate access to the suite of Competitive modes at the launch of Madden NFL 24 Mobile. The Weight Room will also remain open for those who have purchased and unlocked its boost levels. Active Weight Room boosts purchased before the transition from 23 to 24 will not transfer. Any potential new Modes or Journeys may require participation depending on their unlock requirements.
Players and OVRs
All Madden NFL 23 Mobile players will transfer to Madden NFL 24 Mobile. These players will transfer at whichever rarity and level they are currently at (A rare Level 4 will transfer to a rare Level 4). All Madden NFL 23 Mobile player OVRs will be adjusted to a BASE OVR for Madden NFL 24 Mobile. These OVR adjustments for each rarity are listed below.
Madden NFL 23 Mobile | Madden NFL 24 Mobile |
UC | 67 |
Rare | 75 |
Epic | 84 |
Iconic | 94 |
Iconic Foil & Marvel | 95 |
Madden Max | 97 |
Madden Max Foil | 99 |
All BASE Madden NFL 24 Mobile players will begin at these OVRs and escalate throughout the season, beginning with the first program.
Reveal Schedule and Creators
Now that you know what is and isn’t coming over in Madden NFL 24 Mobile, let’s get to the reveals! During the months of July and August, we will begin revealing information about various parts of Madden NFL 24 Mobile and what you can expect from our next installment. Below, you will find the schedule for the upcoming reveal streams. Can’t make the stream? Don’t worry! There will be consistent installments of Gridiron Notes containing all of the information discussed released simultaneously with the streams. This way, if you are unable to watch the stream at its designated time, you can read about all of the updates at your leisure.
Also listed below are EA-sponsored content creator teases. These creators will be leading the discussion about the latest and greatest updates and features coming to Madden NFL 24 Mobile the day prior to each EA reveal stream. You will find links to their channels so you can be taken right to their streams on those dates. Make sure to take a look when your favorite streamer is participating and possibly check out some you haven’t had a to chance to see.
Both EA and Creator reveals will culminate in early August with multiple launch week streams, discussing and revealing info about Madden NFL 24 Mobile right up until it goes live. Don’t miss out! There will be giveaways throughout and all sorts of fun ways to engage.

List of Creator Channels
7/6 Thursday 3:30 PM ET = iLogicsHD
7/13 Thursday 8:00 PM ET = The_215
7/20 Thursday 8:00 PM ET = Phfredd
7/24 Monday 8:00 PM ET = Zystin
7/27 Thursday 8:00 PM ET = 3rd&Run
8/3 Thursday 8:00 PM ET = LightningLotus
8/7 Monday 8:00 PM ET = Even_fl0w
8/8 Tuesday 8:00 PM ET = karltonMM
8/9 Wednesday 8:00 PM ET = Noob_213