Vote For The Positive Player Award!
Celebrating how games bring out the best in us
EA's Positive Player Award recognizes esports competitors committed to outstanding sportspersonship through generous treatment of others and by being an honorable opponent towards opponents, the league, and fans.
Now its your turn to vote for the MCS 25 Positive Player Award.
Submit your Votes by January 17
Make your selection below!
Choose who you think shows the most outstanding sportspersonship towards opponents, and fans, and the tournament during MCS 25
Nominee Reveal & Public Voting
From January 5th to the 19th the MCS community and the fans can vote on the finalist they feel best demonstrates the Electronic Arts Positive Player Award
The winners are in, voting is closed, now tune into the MCS 25 Playoffs to see the winner!
For more information on the Positive Player Award, click below: