The Sims™ 4
Update 11/01/2022
1 november 2022
Update 11/01/2022
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.66
Hello Simmers!
Hope everyone got a chance to watch the Behind The Sims Summit livestream that happened just a short couple of weeks ago—pretty exciting stuff in there if you didn’t!
We have a small update here as we get ready for the upcoming release, so let’s just go on in and see what you can expect in the update.
-The Sims Team
Bug Fixes
Base Game
- Sims will run while performing a Go Here interaction if the distance is long enough.
- …and they aren’t lazy
- …and do not currently have a buff that would prevent running..
- Sims should also run from fires. Unless they don’t. Then they’ll probably just catch fire and run in place.
- Chest deformations should once again expand correctly on female Sims with masculine frames.
- Change Phone Color after queuing should no longer re-queue in the action queue after traveling, or saving and reloading the game.
- Completed goals as part of the New in Town scenario will now disappear on completing the goal, rather than waiting for a time out delay.
- Completing the aspiration goal of Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend before the Soulmate and Serial Romantic aspiration goals are active, will now complete the goal appropriately.
- Pressing RT/R2 or LT/L2
- while in the Likes & Dislikes options in Create a Sim will no longer close the interface, and change the controller focus to a hidden interface.
High School Years
- Black is no longer the only color option for the yuMakeupEyebrows_EP12EGirl eyebrows.
- Newly transformed werewolves will now transform with appropriate varieties in their occult form fur patterns, rather than just going with the all black all the time look.