EA Technology AI & Machine Learning Animation Speech & Language Rendering & Lighting SEED Frostbite All Teams AI & Machine Learning Animation Speech & Language Rendering & Lighting SEED Frostbite All Teams


AI & Machine Learning

Exploring new ways to test games, build worlds, and empower creators.

AI Machine Learning


Working to create more realistic, dynamic animations at greater scale.


Speech & Language

Improving the quality of voices, animations, and other outputs from text-to-speech and other human language technologies.

Speech and Language

Rendering & Lighting

Building tools that empower artists to craft incredible scenes with less effort.

Rendering and Lighting


The Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division

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Recent Publications

Coverage Bitmasks for Efficient Rendering Algorithms

Nov 29, 2023
This presentation gives the humble old bitmask the attention it deserves. It discusses where they have been used creatively and where they can be used.

GENEA Challenge 2023: Evaluating Gesture Generation with Two Speakers

Oct 10, 2023
This paper reports on the third GENEA Challenge, which benchmarks data-driven automatic co-speech gesture generation.

SEED Applies ML Research to the Growing Demands of AAA Game Testing

Aug 29, 2023
This year at the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), SEED researchers presented five papers and a keynote presentation that explored the potential for imitation learning, reinforcement learning, and AI to significantly improve cu…
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Latest News

Incorporating ML Research Into Audio Production: ExFlowSions Case Study

Jun 25, 2024
Mónica Villanueva and Jorge García present the challenges and lessons learned from turning a machine learning generative model from a research project into a game production tool.

Beyond White Noise for Real-Time Rendering

May 14, 2024
SEED’s Alan Wolfe discusses the use of different types of noise for random number generation, focusing on the application of blue noise in rendering images for gaming.

Evaluating Gesture Generation in a Large-Scale Open Challenge

May 9, 2024
This paper, published in Transactions on Graphics, reports on the second GENEA Challenge, a project to benchmark data-driven automatic co-speech gesture generation.
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AI & Machine Learning Animation Speech & Language Rendering & Lighting