FIFA 14 Tips | Get More From Sprinting | The Boot Room 11/10/2013

Sprinting in FIFA 14 has been completely altered. Get the most from sprinting by creating space ahead of the player in possession either through turns or feints and then use sprint to burst away from a marker.
Welcome to The Boot Room. Every week, Matt Cuttle and Darren Cross talk through tips and tactics relating to every aspect of FIFA 14. On this week's episode, Matt and Darren discuss the impact of sprinting.
Sprinting in FIFA 14 has been completely altered; meaning players now need to think a lot more when in possession of the ball. Holding RT to sprint constantly is likely result in over-running with the ball; either into trouble or out of play. Releasing RT when approaching danger will allow for greater movement and overall control of the situation. Releasing sprint will also allow for tighter turning circles.
To get the most from sprinting, create space ahead of the player in possession either through turns or feints and then use sprint to burst away from a marker. Pay attention to a defenders position and body shape when approaching and consider whether there is space to sprint past them without being tackled. If in a fast paced situation, release RT briefly when sprinting towards a defender, change direction, and then sprint again to perform a sharp turn away from a defender.
Whilst defending, sprint should still be used sparingly to avoid over-running tackles which will often provide any attacker with a free pass directly to goal. Slowing down and focusing on an attacker's movement and options rather than desperately committing to the tackle will always provide better results.
Join Matt and Darren next time when they will discuss the best ways to build an attack in FIFA 14.