主頁 《EA SPORTS UFC 3》標誌 遊戲玩法 職業生涯模式 5 星級格鬥家 原聲帶 格鬥家 攻擊進攻 攻擊防禦 地面攻擊 地面防禦 體力與生命值 降伏 新聞 社群 遊戲玩法 職業生涯模式 5 星級格鬥家 原聲帶 格鬥家 攻擊進攻 攻擊防禦 地面攻擊 地面防禦 體力與生命值 降伏 新聞 社群


深入了解《UFC 4》中的全新遊戲玩法功能和其背後的一些設計決策。


《UFC 4》全新遊戲玩法功能詳情

你好,《EA SPORTS UFC》的粉絲們,我們即將發行《UFC 4》,但在遊戲推出之前,我們希望深入了解即將推出的重大遊戲玩法變更,並幫助你了解它們如何形成與如何被實現。當你取得遊戲時,學習這些功能的最佳方式是透過職業生涯模式的業餘階段、全新的訓練手冊與練習模式。



在《UFC 3》中,有些攻擊需要你按下 5 或 6 個控制器輸入。我們的目標是降低使用特定操作的複雜程度來提高靈敏度。在《UFC 4》中,按下與按住按鈕將會施展不同的招式。按住按鈕的門檻為(8)幀或(~0.25)秒,但是這並不代表會出現 8 幀的延遲。我們想確保按住按鈕並不會造成延遲或影響比賽的順暢度,所以我們開發了全新的攻擊動畫來讓特定攻擊能夠依據按住或點擊按鈕順暢地融入其動畫。與《UFC 3》相比,全新的系統會有更佳的輸入反應。

這代表《UFC 4》中所有攻擊或招式表都不會需要玩家同時按下超過(3)個按鈕。大部分核心攻擊的控制,也就是玩家最常使用的技能將保持不變(如:猛擊、鉤拳、掃腿、迴旋踢等)。你想要施展(大擺拳)或(側旋踢)時,較少輸入按鈕和按鈕「長按」功能才會開始出現。 

舉例來說,在《UFC 3》中,如果你想要使用 Connor McGregor 施展(身體騰空側踢),你必須同時按下以下按鈕:

LT + LB + RB + B {L2 + L1 + R1 + Circle}

在《UFC 4》中,你只需按下:

LT + B (Hold) {L2 + Circle (Hold)}



如我們上述所提及的一般,我們透過使用 RPM 技術來完全重製《UFC 4》中的纏抱遊戲玩法。纏抱的外觀、感受與手感跟先前遊戲完全不同。我們決定基於社群的回應,並專注於纏抱上。我們的目標是讓纏抱感覺更刺激且更好用,而且我們相信這是最新的系統。 

In UFC 3 the clinch was essentially a standing version of the RS-based grappling game. With UFC 4 the clinch has become a modified version of the striking game. You can enter the clinch with a modified button input (RB + X) {R1 + Square}, transition to different clinch positions with button inputs (RB + Y {R1 + Triangle} or driving the opponent to the cage with LS), go for trips (RB + A or B) {R1 + X or O}, and throws or flying submissions too (LT + RB + X) {L2 + R1 + Square}. The clinch also depends on the context of the situation you are in. For example, you can get into the back clinch by ducking a hook (RS) and using the clinch input (RB + X) {R1 + Square} to grab the opponents back.

Part of the clinch system includes all-new kick catching mechanics that leverage RPM tech for more fluid movement, strikes, and trips. To catch a kick you will need to make sure to have quick and precise timing on your block. For example, to catch a roundhouse or front kick to the body you will need to time your low block (LT + RT) {L2 + R2} and execute right before your opponent’s leg hits your fighter’s body. 




我們也將 RPM 技術用來重製扭倒。這將帶來更豐富的扭倒遊戲玩法,玩家們能夠使用移動來完成或逃脫扭倒嘗試。與「纏抱」相似,扭倒嘗試現在會依據不同的調整按鈕輸入觸發,且能透過按下低格擋來防守。 

The result of a takedown attempt depends on how they are defended. If your opponent saw it coming and was preemptively blocking low (LT+RT) {L2 + R2}, they will deny the takedown. If your opponent reacts a little slow, both fighters will enter a takedown drive. In this situation, both players can use locomotion to try and finish or escape the takedown attempt. If you’re trying to finish the takedown, push towards your opponent and use the (LS) to steer them in different directions and keep them off balance. If you’re defending, continue to hold (LT+RT) {L2 + R2} and flick (LS) in the direction they steer you. If you catch your opponent completely off-guard with a takedown attempt, you can pull off a spearing takedown too. 



我們希望讓關節降伏與絞降伏有不同的感受。《UFC 4》將推出兩種全新降伏遊戲,絞降伏與關節降伏。那些玩過其他包含降伏與纏鬥的格鬥遊戲的玩家應該會對這些感到很熟悉。它們的主要目標都是讓攻擊方待在防守方之上。 

在《UFC 3》中,舊的降伏術系統需要你快速地完成不同轉換,而《UFC 4》中的新系統,你必須保持冷靜並俐落地完成降伏術。無論你是使搖桿還是扳機,順暢且穩地定移動將會幫助你生存。如果你參與了我們的 Beta 封測,而且你想知道目前的降伏術狀態:是的,我們已經調整了降伏術過強的問題。



對於熟悉地面格鬥的資深《EA SPORTS UFC》玩家,最重要的是,你可以在設定選單中切換至《UFC 3》的舊版纏鬥控制。纏鬥協助控制系統是為了讓新玩家能夠更輕易地使用地面格鬥,但是和遊戲改變者與社群溝通後,我們了解到保留更有深度與進階控制選項非常重要。 

The way grapple assist works is very simple. Pushing UP on the (LS) will make the fighter attempt a get up or transition to the nearest position where a get up is available. Pushing LEFT on the (LS) does the same for submission attempts, and pushing RIGHT on the (LS) does the same thing for postured ground and pound positions. Transition defense works the same as on UFC 3. You can deny an opponent’s transition by pressing (RT) {R2} and matching the direction of their movement with the (LS).




在《UFC 4》中,我們想要讓挺直姿勢的地面砸拳有更大的機會來結束比賽。這代表我們更新了攻擊動畫、優化呈現方式、提升挺直姿勢的攻擊傷害並為下位格鬥家創建了全新的防禦選項。

Fighter’s in the dominant position can throw strikes faster and those strikes do more damage, but the bottom fighter can defend in different ways. Blocking on the ground is the same as on the feet, press (RT) {R2} to block high and (LT+RT) {L2 + R2} to block low if you’re in a position where your opponent can attack your body. Your block breaks down on the ground the same way it does when standing. Additionally, you can use (RS) to move your head which is effective against straight punches, or us (LB) {L1} and the (RS) to post your arm which is effective against hooks.

The grapple advantage meter works slightly differently in these moments, always shifting towards the bottom fighter’s color until they can eventually break the attacker’s posture by pressing (RT) {R2}. Defending effectively in Ground and Pound situations (i.e. evading straights and posting hooks) will deplete the attacker’s stamina or can possibly result in a sweep or a get-up.




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《EA SPORTS™ UFC® 4》動態調節消息

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