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Battlefield 2042

for PS4

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Overview Accessibility Controller Controller-Edit Controls Display General Sound


Field Of View

Adjust the slider to set the Vertical Field of View. This option has a value range of 50 to 105. The default is set to 55.

Vehicle 3rd Person Field of View

Adjust the slider to set the Vertical Field of View for the chase camera. This option has a value range of 50 to 105. The default is set to 55. 

ADS  Field of View

Turn On/Off to enable or disable the relativity of FOV. When On, magnification of weapon sights will be relative to the user defined FOV, when Off, will be relative to the default of FOV. The default is set to Off. 


Adjust the slider to change the in game brightness settings. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Motion Blur

Adjust the slider to change the amount of motion blur. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Chromatic Aberration

Turn On/Off to enable or disable chromatic aberration. The default is set to On.

Film Grain

Turn On/Off to enable or disable Film Grain. The default is set to On.


Turn On/Off to enable or disable Vignette. The default is set to On.

Lens Distortion

Turn On/Off to enable or disable Lens Distortion. The default is set to On.


HUD General

Show HUD

Turn On/Off to show or hide the HUD. The default is set to On.

Show HUD Prompts

Turn On/Off to enable or disable button prompts in the HUD. The default is set to On.

Control Hints

Turn On/Off to enable or disable control hints visible on the right side of the HUD. The default is set to On.

Reactive Hints

Turn On/Off to enable or disable reactive hints visible under the crosshair such as the reload hint. The default is set to On.

HUD Motion

Turn On/Off to enable or disable the  HUD physics movement. The default is set to On.

Camera Shake Amount

Adjust the slider to change the strength of the camera shakes caused by explosions, etc. This option has a value range of 50 to 100. The default is set to 100.

Soldier Compass

Select an option to choose whether the soldier compass is visible only when aiming down the sight, always visible or disabled. The default is set to Always On. 

Fire Mode Indicator

Select an option to choose whether the fire mode indicator is visible when it is possible to change firemode, always visible or visible only when aiming down the sight. The default is set to When Available.

Show Vehicle Seat

Turn On/Off to enable or disable the visibility for vehicle seats in the HUD. The default is set to On. 


Select an option to change the HUD colors for Team, Squad, Enemy and Neutral. This option includes Off, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, Protanopia, and Custom. The default is set to Off.

Custom Squad Color

Select an option to change the HUD color for squad icons.

Custom Friendly Color

Select an option to change the HUD colors for friendly icons. 

Custom Neutral Color

Select an option to change the HUD color for neutral icons.

Kill Log

Turn On/Off to choose to show the kill log. The default is set to on.

Show Kills Made By

Select an option to decide how the Kill Log will filter certain kills. This option includes

Squad, Self, Nearby, All, and Team. The default is set to Squad. 



Crosshair Opacity

Adjust the slider to change the opacity of the crosshair. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 100.

Crosshair Projection

Turn On/Off to enable or disable the crosshair projection. When enabled, the crosshair is projected and can lessen the feeling of motion sickness caused by certain camera motions by keeping the crosshair focussed on where the player is aiming at the world. When disabled, the crosshair is static and always aligned with the center of the screen. The default is set to On.

Crosshair Thickness

Select an option to adjust the crosshair thickness. This option includes Default, Thick, and Thin. The default is set to Default.

Crosshair Color

Select an option to adjust the color of the crosshair.

Hit Indicator Opacity

Adjust the slider to change the visibility of the Hit Indicator. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 100.

Hit Color

Select an option to adjust  the color of the Hit Indicator.

Damage-Based Shape

Turn On/Off to choose whether the Hit Indicator changes shape and size  based on damage type. The default is set to On. 

Headshot Color

Select an option to set the color for the Headshot Indicator. 

Kill Color

Select an option to set the color for the Kill Indicator. 

Armor Broken Hit Indicator

Turn On/Off to choose to show or hide the Armor Broken Hit Indicator when breaking a soldier’s armor. The default is set to On. 

Armor Hit Indicator Color

Select an option to set the color for the Armor Indicator.

Damage Indicator Thickness

Select an option to adjust the Damage Indicator thickness. This option includes Thin, Medium, and Thick. The default is set to Thick.

Soldier Damage Color

Select an option to choose the Soldier Damage Indicator Color. 

Vehicle Damage Color

Select an option to choose the Vehicle Damage Indicator Color. 


Mini Map

Minimap Background Opacity

Adjust the slider to change the minimap’s background opacity. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 90.

Rotate with View

Turn On/Off to decide whether the minimap will rotate with the player’s view or keep rotation fixed. The default is set to On.

Minimap View Distance- On Foot

Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the zoom effect of the minimap. Increase the Minimap View Distance value to zoom out and see a larger area of the map on the Minimap when on foot. Decrease the value to zoom in and see a smaller area. This option has a value range of 25 to 300. The default is set to 50.

Minimap View Distance- Ground Vehicles

Adjust  the slider to increase or decrease the zoom effect of the minimap. Increase the Minimap View Distance value to zoom out and see a larger area of the map on the Minimap when using ground vehicles. Decrease the value to zoom in and see a smaller area. This option has a value range of 25 to 300. The default is set to 120.

Minimap View Distance- Air Vehicles

Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the zoom effect of the minimap. Increase the Minimap View Distance value to zoom out and see a larger area of the map on the Minimap when in an aircraft. Decrease the value to zoom in and see a smaller area. This option has a value range of 25 to 300. The default is set to 200.