for PS4
Accessibility Resources

Game Settings

Half Length
Select how many minutes you want each half to last. This option has a value range of 4 to 20 minutes.
Difficulty Level
Select the difficulty of the game. This includes Beginner, Amateur, Semi-Pro, Professional, Word Class, and Legendary. The default is set to Amateur.
Competitor Mode
Turn On/Off to enable or disable having a more challenging opponent that simulates the play style of some of the world’s best FIFA players. This setting can only be enabled on Legendary or Ultimate difficulty. The default is set to On.
Player Based Difficulty
Turn On/Off to enable or disable Star players on the CPU's AI team having enhanced intelligence while they are being controlled. The default is set to Off.
Select an option to decide how attributes are modified. This option includes Default and Classic. The default is set to Default.
Game Speed
Select and choose the speed of gameplay to suit your needs. This option includes Slow, Normal, and Fast. The default is set to Normal.

Select an option to determine which ball will be used during the match. The default is set to Default.
Quick Substitutes
Select ON or HIDE to enable you to make Quick Substitutes during stoppages in play without having to pause the game. The default is set to Hide.

Single Player Camera
Select the type of camera used for all offline and online single player matches. This does not include Locked to Player matches. These options include Default, Tele Broadcast, Tele, Co-op, Classic, Dynamic, End to End, Pro, and Broadcast. The default is set to Default.
Multiplayer Camera
Select the type of camera used for all offline multiplayer matches. These options include Default, Tele Broadcast, Tele, Co-op, Classic, Dynamic, and End to End. The default is set to Default.
Locked to Player Camera
Select the camera you will use when playing locked to a player. These options include Default, Tele Broadcast, Pro, Tele, Co-Op, Classic, Dynamic, Broadcast and End to End. The default is set to Default.
Pro Clubs Camera
Select the camera you will use during online Pro Clubs & Drop-In matches. These options include Default, Tele Broadcast, Pro, Tele, Co-op, Classic, Dynamic, Broadcast, and End to End. The default is set to Default.
Be a Keeper Camera
Select the camera you will want when playing in goal. These options include Default, Tele Broadcast, Pro, Tele, Co-op, Classic, Dynamic, End to End, and Broadcast. The default is set to Pro.
Camera Settings
Select this option to edit the height and zoom of the camera you’ve selected to play with. These options include Default and Custom. The default is set to Default.

Camera Height
Adjust the slider to change the height of the in game camera to suit your needs. This option has a value range of 0 to 20. The default is 10. This setting does not apply to Pro camera.
Camera Zoom
Adjust the slider to change the zoom of the in game camera to suit your needs. This option has a value range of 0 to 20. The default is 10. This setting does not apply to Pro camera.
Pro Camera Zoom
Adjust the slider to change the zoom of the Pro Camera. This option has a value range of 0 to 20. The default is 10. This setting does not apply to Pro camera.
Pro Camera Speed
Adjust the slider to change the speed at which the in game Pro Camera moves. This option has a value range of 0 to 20. The default is 10. This setting does not apply to Pro camera.
Pro Camera Swing
Adjust the slider to change the amount of swing for the In Game Pro Camera. This option has a value range of 0 to 20. The default is 10. This setting does not apply to Pro camera.

Select whether you want the player name bar, the indicator or both to be present during a match. This includes options such as Player Name Bar, Indicator, or Play Name & Indicator.
Player Indicator
This option is available when you have the HUD option set to indicator or both. This option gives you the ability to display the player’s number or name.
Player Indicator Size
Select the size of the Overhead Indicator. This option includes Default, Small or Large.
Player Indicator Fade
Turn On/Off to choose whether you want the player indicators to fade due to stamina loss during gameplay.
Player Based Difficulty Indicator
Turn On/Off to enable or disable the player-based difficulty indicator. This setting requires the Player Based Difficulty to be switched to On in Match Settings. The default is set to On.
Hold to Skip
Turn On/Off to enable or disable the Hold to Skip functionality. When turned off, holding the skip button is no longer required to skip cinematic scenes or certain in-match storylines and moments. The default is set to On.

Time/Score Display
Turn On/Off to determine the visibility of the time and score display. The default is set to On.
Select this option to toggle the pitch radar HUD ON or OFF. This option includes 2D or 3D top down viewing angles. The default is set to 2D.
User Radar Color
Select this option to choose a User Radar Indicator Color. You can choose either Default, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, White, or Black.
Opponent Radar Color
Select this option to choose an Opponent Radar Color. You can choose either Default, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, White, or Black.
Online ID Indicator
Select this option to have your Online ID On, Off, or Faded above the player’s head in online matches. The default is set to Fade.
Score Clock Dropdown
Turn On/Off to choose whether you want dropdown overlays to appear under the score clock during gameplay. The default is set to On.

Net Tension
Select this option to determine the tension of the goal net. You can choose either Default, Regular, Loose, or Tight. The default is set to Default.
Net Shape
Select this option to set the shape of the net. You can choose either Default, Rectangle, or Triangle. The default is set to Default.
Net Meshing
Select this option to set the meshing type on the net. You can choose either Default, Square, or Hexagon. The default is set to Default.
Scrolling Line Ups
Turn On/Off to select whether you want the scrolling line-up to appear when skipping the match intro. The default is set to On.
Connection Monitoring
Select an option to enable ping and visual connection indicators to monitor your connection. This option includes Ping and Connection Indicators, Off, Ping Only, and Connection Indicators Only. The default is Connection Indicators Only.
Input Overlay
Select an option to decide how the wireles controller graphic is presented on screen during gameplay. This option includes Off, On: Input Only, and On: Local Input + Online Response. When Off, no wireless controller graphic is present on screen during gameplay. On: Input Only will display 1 wireless controller graphic on screen and it displays inputs performed in a match. On: Local Input + Online Reponse will display 2 wireless controller graphics on screen, displaying both your local inputs and the synchronized networked inputs. The default is set to Off.

Turn On/Off to allow your players the possibility of being injured during the game. The default is set to On.
Turn On/Off to determine whether you want the offside rule to apply. The default is set to On.
Turn On/Off to make sure players will never be given a yellow or red card after committing a foul. The default is set to On.
Turn On/Off to choose whether you would like handballs to be called as fouls. The default is set to Off.

Menu SFX Volume
Select this option to adjust the volume level of the menu’s sound effects. This option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.
Menu Music Volume
Select this option to adjust the music volume level in menus. This option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.
VOLTA TRAX Across All Menus
Turn On/Off to enable or disable VOLTA TRAX in all game modes. When turned On, VOLTA TRAX will play in all game modes. Trax will alternate between EA Sports Trax and VOLTA TRAX. The default is set to Off.
EA Sports Trax Across All Menus
Turn On/Off to enable or disable EA Sports Trax across all menus. When turned On, EA Sports Trax will be enabled within VOLTA and will alternate with the VOLTA TRAX. The default is set to Off.
Disable All Music for Streaming Purposes
Turn On/Off to enable or disable all music for streaming purposes. When turned On, this setting disables all music to avoid copyright infringements when streaming or recording FIFA. The default is set to Off.

Commentary Language
Select this option to change the language the commentary will be in during the match.
Sideline Commentator
Turn On/Off to choose whether you would like to hear audio updates on injuries. The default is set to On.
Commentary Volume
Select this option to change the volume level of commentary during the match. This option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.
Stadium Ambience Volume
Select this option to adjust the volume level of stadium ambience. This option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.

Gameplay Music Volume
Select this option to adjust the volume level of the music during VOLTA FOOTBALL gameplay. Note, certain scenes will not be impacted by this setting. This option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.
Event Ambience Volume
Select this option to adjust the volume level of the ambience during VOLTA FOOTBALL gameplay. The option has a value range of 0 to 10. The default is set to 10.

Sprint Speed - User
Adjust the maximum sprint speed a user’s team can reach. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Acceleration - User
Adjust the time it takes for a user team’s players to reach their maximum speed. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Shot Error - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a user team’s normal shots. This does not affect other types of shots. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Pass Error - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a user team’s ground passes. This does not affect other types of passes. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Shot Speed - User
Adjust by increasing/decreasing the amount of speed applied to a user team’s normal shots. This doesn’t affect other types of shots. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Pass Speed - User
Adjust by increasing/decreasing the amount of speed applied to a user team’s ground passes. This does not affect other types of passes. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Injury Frequency - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the frequency that injuries occur to a user’s team. This option has a value rang of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Injury Severity - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the severity of an injury. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Goalkeeper Ability - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the saving ability for a user’s goalkeeper. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Marking - User
Adjust to increase/decrease how tightly the user defenders mark their opponents. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Run Frequency - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the number of runs the teammates of the user will make. The option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Line Height - User
Adjust to specify how high/low the defensive line will position themselves for a user’s team. The option has value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Positioning: Line Length - User
Adjust to specify how stretched or compact the user team will try to keep for the length of the pitch. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Line Width - User
Adjust to specify how stretched or compact the user team will try to keep for the width of the pitch. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - User
Adjust to increase/decrease how far the user team fullbacks will push forward. It has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Power Bar - User
Adjust to modify how quickly/slowly the power bar fills up when you request any type of pass or shot. It has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
First Touch Control Error - User
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a user team’s first touch control. It has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Sprint Speed - CPU
Adjust the maximum sprint speed a CPU team can reach. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Acceleration - CPU
Adjust the time it takes for a CPU team’s players to reach their maximum speed. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Shot Error - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a CPU team’s normal shorts. This does not affect other types of shots. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Pass Error - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a CPU team’s ground passes. This does not affect other types of passes. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Shot Speed - CPU
Adjust by increasing/decreasing the amount of speed applied to a CPU team’s normal shots. This doesn’t affect other types of shots. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Pass Speed - CPU
Adjust by increasing/decreasing the amount of speed applied to a CPU team’s ground passes. This does not affect other types of passes. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is to 50.

Injury Frequency - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the frequency that injuries occur to a CPU’s team. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Injury Severity - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the severity of an injury. The option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Goalkeeper Ability - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the saving ability for a CPU’s goalkeeper. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Marking - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease how tightly the CPU's defenders mark their opponents. The option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Run Frequency - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the number of runs the teammates of the CPU will make. The option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Line Height - CPU
Adjust to specify how high/low the defensive line will position themselves for a CPU’s team. The option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.

Positioning: Line Length - CPU
Adjust to specify how stretched or compact the CPU team will try to keep for the length of the pitch. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Line Width - CPU
Adjust to specify how stretched or compact the CPU team will try to keep for the width of the pitch. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease how far the CPU team fullbacks will push forward. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.
First Touch Control Error - CPU
Adjust to increase/decrease the amount of error applied to a CPU team’s first touch control. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 50.