GRID Legends
for PS4
Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Overview
We are back on the track, this year at EA with GRID Legends. In this game you can play against friends across platforms as you race to the finish line. Below are some settings you may be interested in before you get started.

GRID Legends offers many gameplay settings including the ability to change Field of View, difficulty and damage level, and OSD customization to name a few.

This game also allows you to change the type of controller you are using to play and even allows you to edit the input binding and vibration and feedback settings for each of those inputs. With these types of settings, you are in control of your unique game experience.

Want an effect to be louder? GRID Legends has a variety of audio options including subtitles, master volume, effect volume, and commentary speech volume. You can also change the engineer's speech volume and speaker type too.

GRID Legends also has the ability to adjust the brightness setting.

Need more save options? This game offers options for resetting your current game and creating a new save game slot.
See you on the track. For more information about GRID Legends please visit the official website.