Lost In Random
for Switch
Accessibility Resources


Gather Crystals (Rule #1)
When Dicey gathers a certain amount of crystal shards, a card is drawn to your hand. You can draw a maximum of 5 cards. Dicey gathers crystal shards on the ground within his reach. You can send out Dicey to fetch crystals by pressing R button and call him back with the X button.

Break Crystals (Rule #2)
You can break crystals:
- With your sling shot from robots or from crystals in the environment.
- By executing a Blink Dodge through enemies.
- Enemies drop extra crystals when defeated.
Note: Crystals on robots regenerate, while crystals in the environment do not.

Entering the Dicemension (Rule # 3)
You can throw Dicey whenever you have drawn at least one card. (pinned cards don’t count as drawn cards. (See Rule 7 Golden Pins.)
When throwing Dicey you enter the Dicemension.
You receive Card Tokens equal to the amount of pips you rolled.
While in the Dicemension, you are free to walk around and play cards from your hand for as long as you need. (see Rule 4 Play Cards)

Play Cards (Rule #4)
While in the Dicemension, you can play cards from your hand as long as you have enough Card Tokens to activate them.
The deck is reshuffled each time it is emptied. You are then able to draw and play your cards again.
You can only add or remove cards in your deck outside of an encounter (See Rule 11 Get New Cards).

Weapons (Rule # 5)
Melee Weapons have a durability meter above Even’s head. It depletes when you hit an enemy. You can stack two Melee Weapons of the same type for stronger attacks.
Bow Weapons can hold up to 20 arrows. The amount of arrows are shown next to their icon as well as on the cross hair. Stacking Bow Weapons adds arrows. (For more information, read each cards’ description in the card binder).

Card Effect (Rule # 6)
Active card effects are shown by an icon above the HP bar.
Card effects with a time limit have a circle around their icon, indicating when they are about to run out. (For more information, read each cards’ description in the card binder.)

Golden Pins (Rule #7)
Mannie Dex rewards you with a Golden Pin every time he feels you have bought enough cards. Golden Pins are permanent upgrades.
For every pin you have you can pin one card in your hand. Pinned cards will not be discarded from your hand when exiting the Dicemension.
No matter how many cards you have pinned, you still need to draw one card in order to throw Dicey.

Exiting the Dicemension (Rule #8)
You exit the Dicemension by pressing X button, or by shooting/attacking enemies or objects.
When exiting Dicemension, time starts again.
Your Card Tokens and cards in your hand are discarded (pinned card(s) are kept in your hand.)

Card Deck (Rule #9)
Your Deck is made out of cards from your Card Binder.
The deck should contain exactly 15 cards, but if your Card Binder has less than 15, the deck is made out of all the cards in your Card Binder.
Press Minus button to open your Card Binder.

Modify Your Deck (Rule #10)
Once you have collected more than 15 cards, you can start modifying your Deck.
You can only modify your Deck outside of an encounter.
Press the Minus button to open your Card Binder and add cards to or remove cards from your Deck.

Get New Cards (Rule # 11)
You can obtain new Cards in three ways:
- Buy them from Mannie Dex’s card shop
- As a reward for winning encounters.
- As a reward for helping people.

Coins (Rule # 12)
Coins are used to buy new Cards from Mannie Dex’ card shop. You obtain coins by:
- Shooting Blue Pots.
- Opening Dicey Doors.
- Winning encounters.
- Helping people.

Card Shop (Rules #13)
Buy Cards from Mannie Dex using your collected coins.
When you buy Cards, the Coin Meter is filled and the Card you bought is added to your Card Binder. Every time the coin Meter is full, you get to pick 1 out of 3 Card Packs. Each pack consists of 5 Cards that will be unlocked in the shop for you to buy. There are a total of 12 packs to unlock.
You can also unlock Golden Pins by buying more Cards. There are a total of 4 Golden Pins to unlock.