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NHL 22

for PS5

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This is a picture of the Rules Settings listed below.

Gameplay Presets

Select to choose a packaged experience which set specific combinations of game rules, period length, and gameplay sliders. This option includes Preset 1: Arcade, Preset 2: Traditional, Preset 3: Competitive, and Preset 4: Full Sim. You can create a save custom Gameplay Presets and name them however you want. The default is set to Traditional

Game Style

Select to change the overall feel of the game. Arcade is faster paced and more extreme. Full Sim is the most realistic setting. You can also choose Custom to create your own game style. This setting has a range value of 1 to 4. The default is set to 2 - Traditional.

Post Whistle Rules

Select the number of penalties called after the whistle blows. This option includes Relaxed, Authentic, or Anything Goes. The default is set to Relaxed.


Select the Rule system to be used in your game. Choose from an existing team or select your own custom rules. The default is set to NHL.


Adjust the frequency of fights in the game. This option has a value range of 0 to 2. The default is set to 2.


Select to play with Icing ON, OFF, Hybrid, or No Touch Icing. It is recommended that new users turn this setting OFF. The default is set to Hybrid.


Turn ON/OFF to play with injuries. The default is set On.


Select to play with Offsides ON, OFF, Hybrid, or Delayed. It is recommended that new users turn this setting OFF. The default is set to Delayed. 

This is a picture of the Rules Settings listed below.


Adjust the frequency of penalty calls in the game. This option has a value range of 0 to 4. The default is set to 3.

Tie Break

Select the type of Overtime tie break you would like. This option includes 5 min (3 on 3) then Shootout, 5 min (4 on 4) then Shootout, Single OT (4 on 4), Single OT (5 on 5), No Overtime, Continuous OT, or Shootout. The default is set to 5 min (3 on 3) then Shootout.

Trapezoid Rule

Turn ON/OFF to determine whether a goalie can play the puck outside the trapezoid. The default is set to On.

Penalty Time Scaling

Adjust to determine penalty time. At the maximum setting penalties are real time and at the minimum setting they run at the same rate as the even strength clock. This option has a value range of 0 to 6. The default is set to 2.

Coincidental Penalty Time Scale

Adjust to change the percentage of real time used during a shorthanded even strength situation. This option has a value range of 0 to 6. The default is set 0.