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UFC 4 Xbox Guide


Shape Your Legend


Inside the Octagon

Fight Now

Career Mode


Create Fighter



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In EA SPORTS™ UFC®4 the fighter you become is shaped by your fight style, your achievements, and your personality. Develop and customize your character through a unified progression system across all modes. Go from unknown amateur to UFC superstar in the new Career Mode, experience the origins of combat sports in two all-new environments; The Kumite and The Backyard, or challenge the world in new Blitz Battles or Online World Championships to become the undisputed champ. In gameplay, fluid clinch-to-strike combinations offer more responsive and authentic stand-up gameplay, while overhauled takedown and ground mechanics deliver more control in those key phrases of the fight. No matter how, or where, you play EA SPORTS UFC 4 puts ‘you’ at the center of every fight. 



Note: All A/B and X/Y controls assume your fighter is in Orthodox Stance. These controls are reversed in Southpaw Stance.

Stand Up: Striking Fundamentals

Locomotion: left stick

Head Movement: right stick

Switch Stance: press right stick

Lead Jab: X button (tap)

Back Cross: Y button (tap)

Lead Leg Kick: A button (tap)

Back Leg Kick: B button (tap)

Lead Hook: LB button + X button (tap)

Back Hook: LB button + Y button (tap)

Lead Uppercut: X button + A button (tap)

Back Uppercut: Y button + B button (tap)

Lead Body Kick: LT button + A button (tap)

Back Body Kick: LT button + B button (tap)

Lead Head Kick: LB button + A button (tap)

Back Head Kick: LB button + B button (tap)

Body Strike Modifier: LT button

Strike Modifiers: LB button and/or RB button

High Block: RT button

Low Block: LT button + RT button

Leg Catch: LT button + RT button (timed)

Clinch Attempt: RB button + X button + A button (tap)

Taunts: dpad right/ dpad up/ dpad left/ dpad down


Lead Overhand: RB button + X button (hold)

Back Overhand: RB button + Y button (hold)

Lead Question Mark Kick: LB button + A button (hold)

Back Question Mark Kick: LB button + B button (hold)

Back Jump Spin Kick Body: LT button + A button (hold)

Lead Switch Kick Body: LT button + B button (hold)

Lead Front Kick: RB button + A button (tap)

Back Front Kick: RB button + B button (tap)

Lead Crane or Jumping Switch Kick: RB button + B button (hold)

Back Crane or Jumping Switch Kick: RB button + A button (hold)

Lead Front Kick Body: LT button + RB button + A button (tap)

Back Front Kick Body: LT button + RB button + B button (tap)

Back Crane Kick Body: LT button + RB button + A button (hold)

Lead Crane Kick Body: LT button + RB button + B button (hold)

Lead Side Kick Body: LT button + LB button + A button (tap)

Back Side Kick Body: LT button + LB button + B button (tap)

Back Spin Side Kick Body: LT button + LB button + A button (hold)

Lead Spin Side Kick Body: LT button + LB button + B button (hold)

Lead Side Kick Leg: LT button + RB button + X button (tap)

Back Oblique Kick Leg: LT button + RB button Y button (tap)

Lead “2 Touch” Kick Head: LT button + RB button + X button (hold)

Lead Spin Handplant Body: LT button + RB button + Y button (hold)

Lead Spinning Backfist: LB button + RB button + X button (tap)

Back Spinning Backfist: LB button + RB button + Y button (tap)

Lead Spinning Heel Kick: LB button + RB button + X button (hold)

Back Spinning Heel Kick: LB button + RB button + Y button (hold)

Lead Hook or Axe Kick: LB button + RB button + A button (tap)

Back Hook or Axe Kick: LB button + RB button + B button (tap)

Back Spin Side Kick Head: LB button + RB button + A button (hold)

Lead Spin Side Kick Head: LB button + RB button + B button (hold)

Lead Superman Jab: LB button + X button + A button (tap)

Back Superman Punch: LB button + Y button + A button (tap)

Lead Jumping Roundhouse: LB button + X button + A button (hold)

Back Jumping Roundhouse: LB button + Y button + B button (hold)

Lead Side Kick Head: RB button + X button + A button (tap)

Back Side Kick Head or Ducking Roundhouse: RB button + Y button + B button (tap)

Lead Tornado Kick: RB button + X button + A button (hold)

Back Cartwheel Kick: RB button + Y button + B button (hold)

Lead Elbow: RT button + X button (tap)

Back Elbow: RT button + Y button (tap)

Lead Spinning Elbow: RT button + Y button (hold)

Back Spinning Elbow: RT button + X button (hold)

Lead Knee: RT button + A button (tap)

Back Knee: RT button + B button (tap)

Lead Flying Switch Knee: RT button + A (hold)

Lead Flying Knee: RT button + B button (hold)


Single Leg: LT button + X button (hold)

Double Leg:  LT button + Y button (hold)

Power Single Leg: LT button + LB button + X (hold)

Power Double Leg: LT button + LB button + Y (hold)

Driving Takedowns (Defended Late Takedowns): left stick right/ left stick up/ left stick left

Defend Takedown: LT button + RT button

Defend Driving Takedown: left stick (match attacker direction)


Note: Clinches are performed with RB button + X button (tap) or A button (tap)

Move Opponent: left stick

Transition: RB button + X button (tap) or Y button (tap)

Transitions on Cage: left stick

Trips/Throws: RB button + A button (tap) or B button (tap)

High Block: RT button

Low Block: LT button + RT button

Defend Trips/ Throws: LT button + RT button

Escape Clinch: left stick (pull away from opponent)

Lead Uppercut: X button (tap)

Back Uppercut: Y button (tap)

Lead Hook: LB button + X button (tap)

Back Hook:  LB button + Y button (tap)

Body Strike Modifier: LT button

Lead Elbow: LB button + RB button + X button (tap)

Back Elbow: LB button + RB button + Y button (tap)

Lead Knee Leg: A button (tap)

Back Knee Leg: B button (tap)

Lead Knee Body: LT button + A button (tap)

Back Knee Body: LT button + B button (tap)

Lead Knee Head: LB button + A button (tap)

Back Knee Body: LB button + B button (tap)

Flying Submissions: LT button + RB button + X button or Y button (tap)

Single and Double Leg Takedowns and Defense: See control section Stand Up: Takedowns/Defense


Advanced Transitions: right stick (see Control sections Ground: Advanced)

Grapple Assist Get Up: left stick up

Grapple Assist Submit: left stick left

Grapple Assist GnP: left stick right

Grapple Assist Alternate: LB button + right stick up/ right stick left/ right stick right

Defend Transitions, Sweeps, and Get Ups: RT button + right stick right/ right stick up / right stick left/ right stick down

Reversals: RT button + right stick right/ right stick up / right stick left/ right stick down (timed)


Get up/Transitions/Sweeps: right stick right/right stick up/ right stick left/ right stick down

Advanced Positions: LB button + right stick right/ right stick up/ right stick up left/ right stick down

Submission Attempts: LT button + right stick right/ right stick up/ right stick left/ right stick down

Ground: Ground and Pound

Lead Straight: X button (tap)

Back Straight: Y button (tap)

Lead Hook: LB button + X button (tap)

Back Hook: LB button + Y button (tap)

Lead Elbow: LB button + RB button + X button (tap)

Back Elbow: LB button + RB button + Y button (tap)

Body Knees: A button (tap) or B button (tap)

Body Modifier: LT button (tap)

High Block:  RT button (tap)

Low Block: LT button + RT button (tap)

Head Movement: right stick left/ right stick right

Defense Post: LB button + right stick left/ right stick right



Fight Tips

Put your skills to the test inside the Octagon. Use these tips to master the techniques that lead to victory!


Building of UFC 3’s improved RPM, UFC 4 has simplified strike input complexity by adding tap and hold inputs (see Stand Up: Striking Advanced (Fighter Dependent) in Controls), making striking and managing distance better than ever before!


Every fighting style has strike combinations that throw with more speed and fluidity than a random combination of strike inputs. Check the in-game move list to see which combinations your fighter throws with maximum efficiency.

Blocking and Strike Feints

Remember to balance your offense with your defense. Blocking not only provides some relief from incoming strike and stamina recovery, it also builds up your Grapple Advantage to help tilt the fight in your favor (See Game Screen for more information on Grapple Advantage).

Hold RT to block high, or RT + LT to block low. Your blocks will break if you absorb too many strikes close together, so time your blocks carefully.

Alternatively, press RT to feint a strike to throw off your opponent. Feinting also cancels any attacks you’re making which helps if you start to throw a head kick you think you’ll regret.


Use the right stick to dip your hear and evade incoming strikes. This year in UFC 4, you can now move your head while blocking (hold RT + right stick). Some core punches throw more effectively from specific head positions.

Be Careful: Moving your head into an opponent’s strike (such as ducking into an uppercut or dodging into a flying knee) increases your damage taken.

While throwing a strike, your own strike vulnerability increases: in other words, you take more damage if you’re hit while attempting to throw your own strike. Time your strikes carefully!


New to UFC 4, the Clinch is the close-range, grapple fight variation of the Stand Up game (and no longer uses right stick grapple controls). To enter the Clinch, press RB and hold X or Y. To escape, simple push the left stick away from your opponent. While in the Clinch, moving, striking, transitioning, takedowns, and submission attempts are down with the left stick and button inputs (see Clinch: Fundamentals in Controls).


Want to take the fight to the ground? You’ll want to see how we’ve simplified Takedown attempts for UFC 4 first.

From a standing or clinch position, execute a single and double leg takedown by pressing LT and holding X or Y,--or, attempt a power takedown by pressing LT and LB while holding X or Y. To defend against a takedown, press LT and RT.

If a takedown is defended late, it’ll turn into a driving takedown. If you’re executing the takedown, you’ll have a second chance to finish if by moving left stick up, left stick down, or left stick right. If you’re defending against a takedown, match left stick direction of the attacker to escape.

From a Clinch position, you can attempt a takedown through trips and throws by pressing RB while tapping A or B. Modify the takedown by moving right stick up, right stick down, right stick left, right stick right.

Ground Movements and Grapple Assist

Once you have your opponent on the ground, there are two ways to navigate your movements: via legacy controls from UFC 3 through right stick (see Ground: Advanced in Controls), or with our all-new, simplified ground navigator using left stick.

With the simplified ground navigator, move left stick to Get Up, left stick left to attempt a Submission (or move your fighter to the closest possible submission position), or move left stick right to attempt a Ground and Pound (or move your fighter to the closest possible Ground and Pound position). Press LB during any left stick input to see alternative options.

Grappling HUD

While on the ground, the grappling HUD displays your available transitions and maneuvers, executed via right stick. A circular meter will fill until you have completed the action but will fail if your opponent blocks your attempt. Select Grapple Assist for an appropriate move to be chosen for you.

Ground and Pound

Ground and Pound, a combination of grappling and ground fighting, is a brand-new fighting style for UFC 4. When you reach a Ground and Pound position, you can finish the fight with just a few strikes. Alternate between straights and hooks to break your opponent’s guard and finish the round or avoid strikes with timed head movements and defensive posturing (see Ground: Ground and Pound in Controls).


Successful submissions will put an end to a fight, but you’ll first need to complete a submission mini-game. There are two types of submissions in UFC 4: limb submissions and choke submissions.

Limb submissions are performed through an arc HUD, where the attacker and defender control a wedge that they move by pressing LT and RT. The size of the wedge changes based on fighter’s Attributes and current Stamina and can shrink further if your movements are too erratic. The attacker needs to overlay their wedge on the defender’s wedge to make them submit, while the defender needs to avoid the attacker’s wedge to escape.

Choke submissions are performed like limb submissions, but the attacker and defender instead control their wedges with the left stick through a circular HUD.

Note: Keep control on your movements, as abrupt changes in direction affects the wedge’s size.

During a submission the X, Y, A, B buttons might appear on screen. These are submission event triggers, such as Slams, Chains, or Strikes, which deal extra damage or cancels an opponent’s attack.


Alt Text: This image features two fighter in a UFC arena punching each other. The image show where the health and stamina bars for each player can be found. Also pictured is the location of the Grapple advantage meter and the clock.

The health and stamina bars for both fighters are displayed at the top corners of the screen: one to the left, the other to the right. The Grapple Advantage meter appears at the top center of the screen, as well as the time left in the round and the current and remaining rounds.


Health consists of four main areas: head, body, left leg, and right leg. When any of these areas approach zero health, the fight can be finished. The more damage each of these areas take increases the chance of a health event, such as a stun, making a fighter vulnerable for a short period of time.

Health meters are displayed under the Stamina bars on the top left and right corners of the screen. Manage your health bars, defend your damaged areas, and attack your opponent’s weak points to win your match.


A green block meter appears and decreases as your fighter absorbs consecutive strikes while block.  When this meter runs out, you’ll be forced to drop your guard, so be sure to space out your blocks or evade.


Keep an eye on your fighter’s stamina bar at the top corner of the screen. This bar gradually decreases as you attack your opponent the lower it is, the slower and sloppier your fighter’s moves become. To recharge your energy, create some distance between your fighter and your opponent—you’ll recharge some stamina while block or moving, but you recharge faster when absolutely still.

Grapple Advantage

Displayed at the top center of the screen, the Grapple Advantage meter will be either in your or your opponent’s favor, based on who is successfully landing hits or defending takedowns, grapple transitions, sweeps, and Get Ups.



Put your mixed martial arts skills to the test. Soak in the electric atmosphere as each fighter enters the stadium to the sounds of cheering crowds. Inside the Octagon, you’ll need to think like a champion to take your opponent down!

First, determine the fight’s difficulty level, number of rounds, venue, clock speed, and other set-up rules. You’ll then set up the fighters’ rules, such as weight division and the UFC fighters for each corner. Confirm your selection to battle it out at the Octagon!

Fight Now

Start an exhibition match following your personalized rule sets with FIGHT NOW!

Custom Fight Now

CUSTOM FIGHT NOW allows for even more personalization than FIGHT NOW, such as disabling Perks, limiting stamina regeneration, or tweaking damage values. You can also tweak your CPU opponent’s behavior to your liking.

Knockout Mode

Submission specialists need not apply—KNOCKOUT MODE is a stand-up brawl. In UFC 4, all the strikes deal damage, so unleash your fury from every direction!  Once a fighter’s health bar is depleted, it’s lights out.

Stand and Bang

Like the name implies, this expedition tests your stand-up skills. Pick apart your opponent with well-timed punches and kicks to with the match!



Live out your MMA dreams by fighting as your favorite fighter (or create your own!) and take them to the top of the fighting world! In CAREER MODE, you’ll develop your fighting style, gain insider knowledge and game plans from Watch Tape, create legendary rivalries through Social Media, and more, as you fight your way up to the UFC!

Fight Experience

Every successful move you land gives you Fight Experience, in both sparring matches and fights. The more successful you are with a move, the faster it levels up. Gain Fight Experience for multiple moves to unlock new combination packages. Upgrading your moves also grants you Evolution Points.


The Training Camp now houses to UFC 4’s brand-new mode: sparring, which lets you focus your training on specific areas of martial arts (such as Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, and Jiu Jitsu) so you can level up specific moves more quickly. Every spar will have at least one Sparring Challenge, which gives you Evolution Points upon completion.

Be careful not to injure your sparring partners, as this will lock you out of that training section for weeks. Likewise, any injuries you receive derails your training time. There is also a Heavy Bag you can practice on: though there is a low risk for injury, you won’t level up your moves.

Evolution Points

You earn Evolution Points by completing Sparring Challenges and upgrading moves with Fight Experience. Use your Evolution Points to upgrade your fighter’s Attributes and purchase Perks. If you’ve lost Attributes from Injuries, you’ll need to spend Evolution Points to recover them.


Like real MMA fighters, your fighter will experience Injuries throughout their career. In UFC 4, there’s a chance you’ll earn an Injury after a health event, such as a stun or KO. Injuries decrease your Attributes and can only be recovered by spending Evolution Points.

If you’re injured at Training Camp, you’ll need to spend time resting, or use Cash to recover. If you’re injured during a fight, it’ll affect your fighter’s performance and you’ll need to spend some time on the side lines between fights.

Inviting Fighters and Building Relationships

Your best resource for new skills is other fighters. Use your Cash to invite your favorite fighters to your Training Camp to learn their moves. As you train with these fighters, you’ll also develop a relationship with them: the more you train together, the less your paired training sessions cost.

While you can learn a lot from your fellow fighters, remember that your fans crave matches between fighters with Bad Blood.

Watch Tape

Want to study up on your opponent? Watch Tapes lets you learn game plans, insider knowledge, and your opponent’s Top 5 moves to give you an edge in your next fight. Use this information to plan out your Training Camp visits or save the information for future rematches.

Promotions and Sponsorships

UFC 4 is introducing Sponsorships, which rewards your fighter with a lump sum of Cash after each fight and unlocks Promotions to drive up your Fight Hype. To keep your Sponsorships, you’ll need to attend some commitments in exchange (such as guest appearances an Promotions), at a cost to the time you could be spending training.

Social Media

From ESPN to Coach Davis, Social Media drives your fighter’s day to day decisions. Hot rumors, breaking news, fighter callouts, it’s all here. You can also stream your Sparring matches to increase your Fight Hype—just make sure you don’t get knocked out on camera.

Amateur League

Our brand-new Amateur League lets you run through four different MMA fight styles in stakes free. Though h wins and losses don’t count, the Amateur League is still worth a visit: a certain promotor might be watching…

Dana White’s Contender Series

Win an invitation to the hottest new TV show in UFC history, Dana White’s Contender Series, to enter the proving ground for your Career. If you win this fight spectacularly, you’ll earn an invite to the UFC—lose, and you’ll return to WFA to once again prove your worth.

WFA Championships

A fully functional league itself, win the WFA belt to improve your chances to join the UFC. The longer you stay in the WFA, the higher your starting rank will be in the UFC—if you’re really good, you might enter the Top 5.

Progression and Contracts

You’ll move up and down the rankings as you compete, or maybe into another organization if you’re not doing well. But don’t get discouraged: everyone loves a comeback story!

Try to decline a few fight offers to build Fight Hype for a future bout (or to give yourself more time before a big fight), but decline too many, and you may find yourself on the sidelines as others pass you by.

Fitness and Fight Hype

Before a fight, you’ll want to build up your strength and skills as well as your Fight Hype. Balance your Promoting and Training, and you may become the hottest UFC fighter in the business!



Complete Challenges across UFC 4 to advance your Player Level. The XP you earn will unlock rewards for your Player Card and created fighters, such as new clothes, masks, and Card  backgrounds.


Access your Player Hub throughout UFC 4 to see the latest Challenges. Complete these Challenges for rewards to use in Create Fighter or on your Player Card.

Player Level

Increased your Player Level by completing fights and Challenges from the Player Hub. You’ll earn rewards for every Player level increase.

Player Card

Your Player Card displays your fighter’s picture and gametag. Use your earned rewards to personalize your Player Card with backgrounds, flairs, and accolades.



You’ll need a character to earn rewards, so first head to Create Fighter. Your customization options will be limited initially, but you’ll earn more as you progress. You can use your created character across a variety of offline and online modes.

Fighter Type

Each Fighter Type has its own pros and cons, so choose the one that best matches your style of play. For example, Wrestlers and Jiu-jitsu specialists excel at their ground game, while Boxers and Kickboxers like to stand and bang.

General Info

The basics: name, age, weight class, and social media nickname.


Personalize your look to stand out in the Octagon. Customize your fighter’s face, hair, body type, tattoos, and more.


Choose from a wide range of clothing options and accessories that best fit your style.


Give your fighter some character with customizable emotes for introductions, celebrations, and taunts.



Practice Mode

Use PRACTICE MODE to learn moves and practice your techniques stress-free.


Watch videos and stay up to date on the latest UFC 4 information in the TUTORIALS menu.

Training Manual

Study up on UFC 4’s gameplay with a deep dive into the tips and tricks of the game to upgrade your skills to the next level.

Custom Events

Pit your favorite fighters against each other in Custom Events. Select your fighters to create a Fight Card, and then play through your event to see who comes out on top!

Select MANAGE EVENTS to see your created events or the results from completed matches, or replay a matches, or replay a match to experience the fight all over again!


Tournaments: the ultimate couch multiplayer mode. Organize an old-school tournament pitting 8 or 16 fighters in a single night of mayhem. Damage is carried from fight to fight, so you’ll need to plan strategically to become the champion.



Test your skills against other UFC 4 players in online play!

Online World Championships

Test your created fighters against live opponents in ranked matches. Climb the leaderboard and divisions to win the championship belt—then defend it to earn gems for your belt!

Blitz Battles

Join Blitz Battles for rapid-fire matches: win all six rounds to become the Ultimate Winner! A constant rotation of Arcade-inspired rulesets keeps this experience fresh, so check back often.

Quick Fight

Jump into one-off matches with licensed fighters or your created fighters in regular MMA, KO Mode, or Stand and Bang matches. This is a great place to practice your moves against real opponents, or just to have some fun! A casual leaderboard tracks your wins and finishes.


Challenge your friends or recently met players to a customizable online match.

DLC Store

Visit the Xbox store to browse available DLC and find new fighters to bring into the game. 



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Electronic Arts Limited Warranty

Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the recording medium on which the software program(s) are recorded (the “Recording Medium”) is free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If the Recording Medium is found to be defective with 90 days from the date of purchase. Electronic Arts agrees to replace the Recording Medium free of charge upon receipt of the Recording Medium at its service center, postage paid, with proof of purchase. This warranty is limited to the Recording Medium containing the software program that was originally provided by Electronic Arts. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if, in the judgement of Electronic Arts, the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment or neglect.

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Electronic Arts reserves the right to make improvements I the product described in tis manual at anytime and without notice. 



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