SimCity 2000™

is now the current item in the media gallery

اللعبة الأساسية
متاح في
على تطبيق EA بدءًا من
أنت تشتري ترخيصاً للوصول إلى هذا المحتوى الرقمي وفق اتفاقية المستخدم. تطبّق و شروط البيع.
E (Everyone)

معلومات حول اللعبة:

SimCity 2000 has all the features, flexibility, art, animation, and power you need to create an environment of your dreams. Choose from a selection of bonus cities and scenarios to rule or ruin as you please. Build schools, libraries, hospitals, zoos, prisons, power plants, and much more. Lay down roads, railways, and highways. Explore the underground layer, and build subways and utilities without compromising your aesthetics. Customize different buildings or design your own graphics sets from scratch. This is the ultimate, classic Maxis city building and management simulation. If this game were any more realistic, it’d be illegal to turn it off.






Electronic Arts



تاريخ الإصدار

٨ فبراير ١٩٩٥ - ١٢ ص UTC

متطلبات النظام


  • OS

    Windows 7 or newer

  • CPU

    1.8GHz Processor

  • RAM

    512MB RAM (1GB recommended)

  • Video

    3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)

  • Hard Drive

    2GB HDD

  • Peripherals

    Mouse, keyboard

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