SimCity 4

A top-down view of a video game city map with a red-highlighted area indicating a zone. Icons on the left represent various gameplay options. is now the current item in the media gallery

A densely-packed cityscape with various skyscrapers, cranes, and a bridge surrounded by water and visible against a partly cloudy sky.
اللعبة الأساسية
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على تطبيق EA بدءًا من
أنت تشتري ترخيصاً للوصول إلى هذا المحتوى الرقمي وفق اتفاقية المستخدم. تطبّق و شروط البيع.
E (Everyone)

معلومات حول اللعبة:

In SimCity™ 4, you don’t just build your city; you breathe life into it. Sculpt mountains, dig riverbeds, and seed forests as you lay the groundwork for your creation.


Steam, PC


Danish, German, English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish


Electronic Arts



تاريخ الإصدار

٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٣ - ١٢ ص UTC

متطلبات النظام


  • OS

    Windows XP

  • Processor

    Pentium III 500MHz or equivalent

  • Memory

    256MB RAM

  • Graphics card

    32MB video card with DirectX 7.0 compatible driver

  • Storage

    1GB hard drive space

  • Sound

    DirectX 7.0 compatible

  • Input Devices

    Keyboard, mouse

عضوية لأي طريقة تلعب بها

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EA Play

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