Ride in Style with Pioneering Fashion Brands including Palace, Versace, PUMA, Namilia, Danielle Guizio and more
Style is Your Vibe
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In the Need For Speed franchise, style has mostly been confined to the cars you drive. In Need For Speed™ Unbound, style goes beyond the garage, and into your closet, and sound system (more on that to come). Customize your car to near endless possibilities, and now, you can do the same with your character. With the ability to choose threads from some of the world’s most influential fashion brands, you’re in full control of your look, from the garage to the craziest races in town.
Because, let’s keep it real: if you want to rule the streets of Lakeshore City, you have to show off some serious looks!
For NFS Unbound, we tapped the multi-faceted Toni Blaze to navigate us through the vast world of fashion as our fashion director and lead stylist. Toni comes with references: she’s the editor-in-chief of Wonderland, an international, fashion-first cultural publication; she’s also a graduate of Central Saint Martins, stylist, creative director, casting director, diversity committee member for the British Fashion Council, and all around trailblazer.
Toni hopped into the driver seat with one goal in mind, bringing authenticity to Lakeshore. “The main aim was for the visual identity to feel authentic,” said Toni. “My main role was to research and develop the visual identity of the main characters, but also the main style tribes within the game. I wanted to add brands and styles that I felt represented the game’s objective.” And that objective: express yourself with full capabilities.
Every single detail of this curated wardrobe was carefully studied and considered, from the shapes and silhouettes, to the patterns and textures. It takes years, even decades to build a single person’s wardrobe, and still be a pair of kicks shy of a perfect collection. Toni did it for several character types in mere months. Luckily, she didn’t have to go at it alone.
NFS Unbound will introduce you to pioneering fashion brands - from celebrating the renowned to shining a spotlight on the up-and-comers. We’ve partnered with household names like Champion and Vans, footwear giants like PUMA and FILA, streetwear heavyweights like Palace and Born x Raised, and legendary houses like Versace. “There was a real sense of collaboration and want for new and upcoming designers too which was very refreshing,” said Toni. “Brands such as Guizio and Khrisjoy were great to include within the style tribes.”
With this killer closet in hand, you can decide whether you want your character to reflect your real-life style or upgrade it to something that will fit your Lakeshore personality. In other words, you have the freedom to be who you want, when you want, or maybe even discover the person you could be.
Until our next drop, we leave you with Toni’s words of wisdom, “I hope players adopt the freedom to express themselves through clothing and apply some of their ‘daring’ choices within the game in real life!”