Inter eSports
Inter Esports, is the competitive FIFA22 team of Inter Milano. Crowned European Champions of the Global Series in 2021, the organisation has two professional rosters, one active in Italy and the other in Brazil. Players PResende97 and Tore take on the competiton in the TOTS Cup. Both have been proven top-tier FIFA players over the years and will be looking to shake things up as a deadly duo.

Born in 1997 in Brazil, Pedro Henrique Resende Soares “PResende97” started playing FIFA at the age of 10. Among the several national and international trophies conquered, he also recorded a runners-up spot at the FIFA eWorld Cup in Milan 2020 and two first place finishes in two South American Qualifiers at FGS21.

Recently 20 years old, with a lot of passion for football, Victor “Tore” Dos Santos was born and raised in Sao Paolo. He transferred to Inter Esports, with a proven track record of success: A second place finish at the FUT19 Champions Cup, fifth at South America FGS19 Playoffs, and a runners-up spot at FGS21 qualifier #2.