I: Cape Town Incident Report
NOVEMBER 5th, 2043
On October 30 2043 at 0300, my strike team embedded in Cape Town, South Africa failed to check in, and stopped responding to all communications. After seventy-two hours of no contact, a drone was sent into the bunker, and it was discovered that every agent present was dead.
The Cape Town bunker has been a reliable safehouse since it was rediscovered in the wake of South Africa’s collapse, having been built by the government and concealed during World War II. All records of its location were destroyed decades ago, save for our internal maps. An investigation as to how this breach occurred is ongoing.
What has been discerned from damaged video footage inside the bunker is that an assailant managed to simultaneously sabotage internal and external security systems with a localized signal jammer platform. Perimeter guards were disabled by brute force, and the surveillance crew inside the bunker was executed before they could send out an SOS.
A single viable piece of audio was recovered upon the assailant’s exit as security systems fell out of range from the jammer. To wit: “Keep your spies off my ship.”
Vocal analysis and prior known coordinates provided a 97% likelihood that the woman who spoke is Camila Blasco, the nonpatriated captain of the SPS Impávido.
If Blasco is cooperating with Oz, his influence over previously neutral No-Pat forces has increased tenfold. Our operatives in Cape Town were responsible for obtaining intel on his soldiers in the nearby Richtersveld, where they have been moving materiel into the abandoned Wellspring rocket fuel processing facility.
I’ve attached our profile on the captain, as well as current files on the Wellspring disaster. Once more, I must insist that all use of force be authorized to deal with the threat Oz presents. The agency’s hesitation is getting good agents killed.
SOO Wolff:
Non-Patriated Counterterrorism Unit
II: Blasco Profile

Citizen: Spain (dual), Panama (dual)
Weight: 180lbs
Height: 5ft, 10in
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Birthdate: May 12th, 2012 (Age 31)
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages: Peninsular Spanish, Panamanian Spanish, English
Military Service: Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial (FGNE), 4 years
Camila is the only child of Ander and Julia Blasco, a middle-class couple who immigrated to Colón, Panama from southern Spain. According to primary school records from the time, Camila was a skilled swimmer and spent most of her free time around ships in the local seaport.
When the freshwater supply crisis reached Panama, suffocated trade led to a massive price spike in necessary goods, resulting in riots across the country. Camila’s parents sent the girl to Vigo, Spain to live with her grandfather Antonio, hoping to stabilize her education.
Antonio Blasco was a known critic of Franco’s regime, and his politics appear to have lit a rebellious fire in Camila’s heart. She trained in self-defense as a teenager, and in 2028, enrolled in the prestigious Naval Academy in Marin, Spain. Camila excelled during the five year program and emerged as an officer in the Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial.
The FGNE assigned Camila to a reconnaissance unit tied to Spain’s anti-piracy efforts, where she led missions with her team to destroy entire islands’ worth of materiel. Sustained success earned a promotion to Capitán, as well as a new assignment with the European Union’s CSDP, focused on broader European defense and crisis management.
In 2035, the death of Camila’s grandfather sent her back to Spain. At the funeral, she was united with her parents for the first time in more than a decade, but years after Panama’s collapse, Spain was showing similar signs of instability due to climate-induced crop fires and a growing food shortage.
Camila returned to duty on the SPS Impávido, a newly commissioned vessel that was sent to handle the South African refugee crisis in the wake of devastating floods. Her actions during the crisis earned a promotion to Comandante, but before the Impávido could return to port, the ship was assaulted and boarded by pirates. Her commanding officers were taken hostage and held for ransom, but internal collapse of the Spanish government resulted in no response to the Impávido’s SOS.
As the pirates began to slaughter her fellow officers, Camila led a breakout from the brig and recaptured the ship. She personally executed their remaining assailants and took acting command of the Impávido. Lack of support from the Spanish government - and a unanimous vote from her surviving crew - led to Camila defecting to the nonpatriated cause in 2038.
Presently, Camila heads an entire No-Pat fleet, and logistics between these ships essentially serves as a floating city. Her charismatic leadership has earned the affectionate nickname ‘Admiral’, and she aids non-patriated causes across the world.

If any soldier could destroy an entire Agency outpost alone, it’s Camila Blasco. Her ruthless ambush tactics are paired with an unparalleled knack for subterfuge. When she assisted the Exodus in Panama earlier this year, I assumed the alliance was temporary. If they have agreed to permanent mutual aid - or worse, to reinforce Oz’s outlaws in the Richtersveld - we must discern the best method to sink Blasco and the Impávido permanently.
The Leviathan Division is Blasco’s private task force, and receives the lion’s share of funding that she distributes through the ship’s No-Pat contracts. They are deployed with cutting edge tech, and excel at seek-and-destroy missions, using a small handful of soldiers to devastating effect. If she ever points them at American assets, we need to know ASAP.
III: Wellspring Explosion - Summary Report
Wellspring is an American logistics company, founded in 2022 by the investment of several shell corporations tied to USA mining conglomerates. It is, essentially, a shell of a shell, allowing for economic activities in other countries with limited liability. Wellspring specializes in “wildcat” mining operations across Africa, most of which operate without legal permission from local governments.
Their primary facility was in the Richtersveld, where rare resources for rocket fuel were extracted from the bio-diverse region at the highest possible speed. Members of surrounding tribal villages complained for years of tainted water and dying wildlife, but Wellspring-funded mercenaries maintained a hard perimeter to ensure extraction was never interrupted. One villager eventually became involved in local Agency operations and received extensive militia training before ties were severed (see file on Loyiso Okusanya, a.k.a “Oz”).
In 2037, a fire of unknown origin erupted inside of one of Wellspring’s processing stations inside the Richtersveld. Reports are mixed as to whether the ignition occurred due to windstorms damaging valuable fiberglass components, a flaw in the fuel formula, or a lack of safety protocols regarding their industrial waste barrels. One of said barrels exploded upon contact with the fire, causing a cascade of damage throughout the entire facility and forcing all Wellspring personnel to evacuate.
Pollution from the smoke and improperly stored chemicals wreaked environmental havoc for miles around it, and remained for so long that Wellspring eventually abandoned the station without any attempts at recovery. For almost five years, the area was considered inhospitable.
In 2042, a team based in Cape Town reported that nonpatriated logistics vehicles were seen in the vicinity of the Richtersveld. This No-Pat crew built a camp outside the Wellspring wreckage, and received reinforcements from small naval craft coming up from the Orange River. It is believed that this group is loyal to Oz, and works under his direct orders.
While Oz remains in possession of the Shearwater technology, this camp does not seem to be invested in creating a weapon. What they are building in its place is unknown. The Wellspring facility remains dangerous without significant repair, and its natural resources are spoiled, absent a kind of environmental restoration of unknown efficacy.

IV: Transcript – Embedded Agent / SPS Impávido
OCTOBER 29th, 2043
Transcript excerpt of private recording provided by Agent Lewis, an asset embedded on the SPS Impávido since October 1st. After this data was received, Lewis fell out of contact with his handler and we have been unable to reestablish visuals. We should consider him compromised, and barring evidence otherwise, KIA.
You did a lot for us in Panama, and I appreciate it.
Call it childhood nostalgia. That doesn’t make us allies without reservation.
Didn’t stop you from saving the Exodus. We would have sunk without the Impávido keeping us upright.
I know Zain is with you. I know who he answers to.
… you don’t trust Oz.
Do you?
Maybe not trust. Call it curiosity.
Powerful men promise those who struggle a new world all the time. I don’t like his methods.
But you’ll escort us to Naqamaland?
Yes. I won’t abandon a ship with leaks in the hull. What would my crew think?
[dry chuckle]
The recording is damaged past this point. I theorize that Lewis attempted to get closer to Blasco and Graves, and had his tech compromised by exposure to the signal jammer in the captain’s office. Requesting a new asset be assigned to the SPS Impávido to take Lewis’ place.
SOO Wolff:
Non-Patriated Counterterrorism Unit
V: To Whom It May Concern
NOVEMBER 6th, 2043
This report only escalates our concerns in regard to Oz and his extremist group. Your failure to remove him from the equation in Sweden has caused a cascade of other threats to emerge. If the survivors of the Exodus ever speak publicly about our misaligned assault, it may drive even more of the nonpatriated forces to his side. Oz is a flashpoint for a rebellion that must be snuffed out before it takes hold.
You have been given unilateral command of the Non-Patriated Counterterrorism Unit, almost limitless resources in terms of personnel, and a significant budget. The Agency is well-aware of the deaths of its agents, Wolff, as well as the fact that all of them lay at your feet. Do not forget that. Finish the job.
Director Renoit
Study the Cape Town Incident Report and other transcripts to discover the backstory of Camila Blasco.
Learn the story of Battlefield 2042's new Specialist, a stoic No-Pat who has excelled in battle against all odds.
CIA Officer Wolff’s second memo contains key intel on The Dark Market as well as former operative, Charlie Crawford, the man at the center of Operation Wildcard.
Examine CIA Agent Wolff’s recovered memo and learn about Operation Steadfast Refuge. Why is Lis at the battle of Black Ridge? And how is Oz connected to it all?