Blitz Connect – In Conversation with Blitzer Moms

*Blitz Connect is a new series that features some of our oldest and loyal fans on Bejeweled Blitz. The views expressed here belong solely to the player and do not endorse EA/PopCap in any way*
Every year, the 2nd Sunday of May is a special day for mothers across the world. It’s a day filled with special dedications, wishes, and heart-felt stories. This Mother’s Day is even more special for us at EA/PopCap as we chat with a few mothers from our beloved Bejeweled Blitz community - Trona Rinck (Admin of Bejeweled Blitz Party Gems), Lyn Meyers (Moderator in Bejeweled Blitz Party Gems), Susan Sabbota (Admin in Bejeweled Swift Blitzers), Farah Carstentein (Admin in Bejeweled Just for Friends).
We call them Blitzer Moms because they’re awesome moms and super-awesome Blitzers.
Hope you enjoy this conversation!

Q. Can you share a brief introduction about yourself?
Trona: Hi, my name is Trona. I reside in sunny Southern California USA. I have 3 grown children that have given me 7 amazing grandchildren who call me G’ma (Gee-Muh; short for Grandma). I am a homebody who loves to garden, spend time with my family, and play Bejeweled Blitz!
Susan: Susan here. Celebrating 30 years of marriage with one child who is 29 and a grandson who is 9. I am a fulltime caregiver to 8 mentally challenged men and manage 7 private nursing homes.
Lyn: Wow, Susan, that’s some incredible work! My name is Lyn Meyers. I’m originally from New Jersey but now reside in Kansas.
Farah: Hi, I am Farah, mother of 2 boys. Maybe I should start calling them “young men” instead, they are 23 and 25 years old. I am a Kindergarten teacher by trade, and I love working with the toddlers. However, since I was born sometime in the 60’s, I have decided I am now far too old to be bending down all the time, I now teach English to migrant workers. I love playing Bejeweled Blitz as it distracts me from many things I should be doing instead, so this game is my escape.

Q. How long have you been playing Bejeweled Blitz?
Trona: Ummm, for 8 years now? That is a bit hard to pin down. The first few years I played alone mostly. I had a whopping TWO friends that opened my eyes to Party Mode. I had no idea what those tokens I had been earning were for. I loved the team aspect in this mode. From that point forward, I was hooked to Bejeweled Blitz… a bonafide junkie LOL. I had to know EVERYTHING about the game, so I came to Facebook groups seeking tips n tricks. I have learned so much from our wonderful Bejeweled Blitz Community. After dabbling in other community groups and learning so much, I decided to create my own Facebook group; Bejeweled Blitz Party Nutz which evolved into Party Gems. I went from having just 2 friends to play with to 1000s. As our game evolves, I continue to learn more and more from the community. I couldn't be more blessed!
Lyn: Gosh, I have been playing BB since it came out!!
Susan: I’ve been playing since then too.
Lyn: It has always been an addiction of mine!
Farah: Hehe, I think it’s an addiction for all of us. I have been playing Bejeweled Blitz since 2009.
Q. Have you played Bejeweled Blitz with your mother or children? And how did they like the game?
Trona: My 70+ year old mother plays Bejeweled Blitz occasionally as well as my 10-year-old granddaughter. My mom sticks to the Standard Mode of play and does not delve into the newest features nor does she understand the value of Party Mode (hard to teach an old dog new tricks LOL).
Farah: I can imagine that. My mother used to play a lot but with the new version, she just couldn’t keep up unfortunately.
Trona: My granddaughter, however, just LOVES to get on my phone or tablet and play using my account. She likes trying out all the new gems. She, inadvertently, messes up my gameplay strategies for earning tokens by shooting for the highest score. As she gets older, I will teach her the same strategies I and others use. I hope it will enhance her gameplay as it has mine!
Susan: I couldn’t play with my mom, but I play with my daughter and grandson. My grandson loves the new gems and he adores the actions of the ninja bird, Encore.
Lyn: I’m the only person in my family that plays Bejeweled Blitz. I have gotten many real-life friends involved in the game though!!
Trona: I think that’s the beauty of this game, you make new friends and form new bonds with other players.
Q. Do you have any favorite Bejeweled memory to share?
Trona: Yes, the first time I sent a Perfect Party to my partner. I remember being in awe when a ‘seasoned veteran player’ would send me a Perfect Party. The first time I did it myself, I jumped out of my seat with sheer excitement. I was elated! Sending Perfect Parties has, ever since, been my main goal and joy in the game. The excitement never gets old!

Susan: My favorite memories are some of my early games when I thought 1 million coins was more than enough. My mentor and teacher, Bobbie Jones, was so passionate and patient with teaching me and others on how to get max coins by playing less.
Farah: The day I discovered there were groups on Facebook! I am a member of just 2 groups but so glad I did! Before I joined the groups, I had no friends and now I have many.
Lyn: The groups are special for me too. Besides all the fantastic friends that I have made in these groups, my best memory was when I scored over a million with no rare gem! That was HUGE back in the day!!

Q. What are your favorite Boosts/Rare Gems?
Trona: Back in the day, when we had to use coins for boosts, my favorites were the scrambler, extra time, and X2. In today’s game I mostly use Scrambler and Color Blast Boost. It is hard to pick a favorite, as I use them depending on what mode I am playing in and/or the goals I need to meet. Whether that is clearing Keystones, for score, and/or Blitz Champions contests. They are all wonderful, especially now that they are FREE to use. However, I can say that the Detonator, now and in the past, has always been my least favorite.
Farah: As for boosts, the Extra Time and the scrambler are my favorites too! As for Rare Gems, I absolutely love the Coralite gem.
Lyn: Oh, I love the Coralite as well! And I guess we all love the same Boosts - the Extra Time, Scrambler and Multiplier.
Susan: The Multiplier, Scrambler and Extra Time are the go too Boosts for me as well. What a coincidence! For Rare Gems, I love the Blue Thunder.
Trona: As far as Rare Gems go, OH BOY. Back in the day, I loved my Blazing Steed and Kanga 3. Today, there are so many good ones. But again, depending on what goals I am trying to meet. I love the Ladybug, Tic Toc, Pandamonium, Chronostone, and High Roller to name a few.

Q. If you had the chance to design a Rare Gem, what would that be?
Trona: Good question. Without considering the scoring potential, many of the new gems being released today are mostly powerful in creating Flame Gems. Personally, I would love to see more gems that facilitate the creation of Star Gems and/or Hypercubes. Or just ONE Super Rare Gem that does them all, similar to the Mistlestone and the Birthday Gem. But I would love to see a touch of our classic Phoenix Prism incorporated where the color to match rotates. I would like to see an Opal Stone Rare Gem. Since it comes in many colors and happens to be my birthstone (wink wink).
Susan: I would love a big powerful master gem that you could change the color to whatever you need.
Lyn: Yeah, I was thinking on similar lines. A gem that at the beginning of each game, you could CHOOSE which color you want it to be for that game!
Farah: Interesting! I’d like to see something like that in the game.
Q. How do you think playing Bejeweled Blitz can help mothers?
Trona: A Mother’s Day is endless. Whether you have small children or grown, Bejeweled Blitz can help Mothers to slow down, clear the mind / recharge, and alleviate stress. We all need a break or distraction from our many duties. I look forward to the time when I get to enjoy my game. Bejeweled Blitz does it for me!
Susan: I think it is a stress relief and you definitely meet some wonderful people along the way.
Lyn: Bejeweled Blitz is so relaxing. It’s a nice game that you don’t have to depend upon “lives” to play! So, there is no stress…just match away!! It’s really a nice escape for anyone, but it’s nice for Moms to be able to play and have fun!!
Farah: My husband says playing Bejeweled Blitz is helping him to keep me away from shopping! Maybe that is how it can help mothers? I am not sure, lol!