Dragon Age Day 2022
Happy DA Day from Thedas and BioWare!

Our fans are the best. The best. How else could we describe a community so passionate, and compassionate, that you not only created your own holiday to celebrate all things Dragon Age™, but you did it for charity? For some, today is merely December 4th—but for us, it’s Dragon Age Day (aka DA Day), and we’d like to be the first to officially welcome you to this year’s celebration!
We have a lot to celebrate this year, with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf deep in development and Dragon Age: Absolution just around the corner. And of course we’ll be celebrating the whole franchise alongside you, including a new short story, a small collaboration with The Sims™ 4, and discounts on the games across all platforms. But let’s kick things off with your contributions.
First, take a look at the amazing art atop this post. 32 different artists from across the community were kind enough to contribute their unique takes on the companions from Origins through Inquisition. It’s a gorgeous piece, and we couldn’t be more honored to have such a talented and passionate community. If you want a closer look at any of the pieces or want to follow the artists, check out our social channels throughout the day to see them posted individually!

Since 2018, the Unofficial DA Day team has raised money for a charity of choice, starting with $6,795 for the Child’s Play charity in that first year. By 2020, they had essentially doubled that, raising $13,560 for the Legal Defense Fund, and in 2021, they doubled it again, notching $27,224.69 for the AbleGamers charity.

This year, they’re partnering with the Trans Empowerment Project, a non-profit organization with a focus on supporting the most marginalized people in the queer community, such as disabled and trans people of color. TEP addresses immediate needs of the community through efforts like transportation assistance, legal assistance, and deliveries of food and clothing—among many other support services—and also collaborates on broader outreach programs to help combat systemic oppression and inequality.
To support this vital work, they collect donations through Tiltify, which allows them to offer all kinds of rewards to supporters. It’s quite an impactful production, with all donations going straight to the charity. As in previous years, BioWare is glad to help support this work with contributions of our own. If you’d like to join us, head over to the donation page for more details.

This DA Day is particularly exciting because it comes just five days before the launch of an entirely new Dragon Age project: Netflix’s Dragon Age: Absolution. Come December 9, you’ll be able to dive into a whole new Dragon Age animated story, a six-part series created in close collaboration between BioWare and Netflix.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the latest trailer, you really need to because it is fantastic!
Before you ask, we’re sworn to secrecy on any new details—but we can say that you should keep an eye out for interviews about the project, both from our developers and from the team at Netflix as the series rolls out over the coming weeks.
…okay, maybe we can share one thing:

Friends, we wanted to thank you for your years of amazing support of the past and future of Dragon Age. We’ve had a particularly fun and fascinating year working on Dreadwolf, reaching the Production phase in February, announcing the Dreadwolf name in June, and hitting Alpha in October—along with showcasing some of our amazing team members throughout the year.
We wanted to close out this year with a little treat to celebrate Dragon Age Day in our own way by sharing a key cinematic from the game. Enjoy!
The Dread Wolf awaits.
Whether you’re celebrating with us in-game, readying for Absolution, or waiting for Fen’Harel to make his move, we’re right there with you. Keep an eye on our social channels for more fun stuff today, and as always, have a happy Dragon Age Day!
—The (Dread) Wolf Pack