FIFA Mobile - New Release: Gameplay Deep Dive
Learn about all the new Gameplay improvements coming in the new update!
EA SPORTS Official Site
Hello FIFA Mobile Community,
The newest gameplay update is coming to FIFA Mobile. Here are the major improvements and fixes you can expect to see in this update. The team has been working hard on improving gameplay to make sure that Head to Head, VS Attack, and League vs. League is more balanced and rewarding. Let’s jump into the details!
New Player Switching Options
You will now have 3 different options on how you want to switch controlling players.
- Auto: The current default option. Auto Switching always tries to select the best suited player for the current situation based on who is most likely able to take the ball. Even with Auto Switching enabled, you can still manually switch with buttons or tapping.
- Manual: You’re fully in control of switching your players. You won't automatically be switched to a close player unless you press the button or tap on a player.
- Semi Auto: This is like Manual switching, except Auto Switching will take over on air ball and loose ball situations like crosses, lobbed through balls, lobbed passes, goal kicks, corners, and free kicks. Auto Switching occurs once and selects the player best suited to get to the ball based on its trajectory.

GK Reaction Improvements
We’ve re-balanced GK reactions on long shots outside the box. GK's ability in-game should now better reflect their attributes on shots from 18 yards and further. This means that GKs should save more shots from outside the box and their ability will be more tied to their attributes, leading to more skill-based gameplay. Attackers with high shooting attributes will still maintain a high scoring ability, but GKs will be more adept at saving long shots.
Weak Foot Adjustments
We’ve re-balanced the amount of Weak Foot error based on the distance to the goal. This will reduce the impact of poor Weak Foot when taking close range shots. Weak Foot will still impact medium to long distance shots. This is to ensure more reliable shots with your player’s Weak Foot, especially at close distances.
VS Attack Stun Timer Improvements
We’ve adjusted the stun timer from skill moves in VS Attack. This means that the defenders you face in VS Attack will be able to react faster to skill moves. This is to ensure that good defenders are valued and well-timed skill moves are rewarded, while still respecting different chance qualities.
We’ve adjusted Basic Chances in VS Attack to be more challenging and Good Chances to be easier. This ensures that the quality of the chances are more aligned with the distance and time to score, and how many defenders are nearby. This should create more accurate VS Attack scenarios that reflect the Basic and Good natures of the Chances.
What is a Stun?
Stunning a defender is done by performing a skill move around the defender. Based on Defender’s and Attacker’s attributes, the defender will remain in place for a period of time, allowing the attacker to dribble past the defender.
Rules - Foul Collision Improvements
We’ve improved the physics calculations for when two players collide, specifically when an attacker does a skill move into a defender. This should result in more accurate foul calls in this situation.
Kit Clashing Fixes
We’ve made improvements to kit clashing to ensure that there are fewer instances where both teams have similar coloured kits.
Button Detection Improvements
We’ve improved button detection for the Through Pass and Shoot buttons. This was done to avoid the Through Pass button triggering the Shoot button unintentionally.
Press Marking Angle Assistance
We’ve improved the amount of control you have when defending using Sprint & Tackle. By reducing the “magnetic” feeling of your defenders being pulled towards attackers, this should give more manual control when pressing towards an attacker. When slightly pointing away from the Opponent Dribbler, your Player will break out of the assistance and be in a fully manual Sprint, allowing you to position your Player freely. Aiming your defender directly at the attacker will still fully assist you towards him.
Skill Moves
We’ve made improvements to several skill moves:
- Some Skill Moves were not registering an error when performing them consecutively. All Skill Moves will now be subjected to Consecutive Error to better balance gameplay.
- Balanced the speed of Open Up Fake Shot and Lane Change to reduce the separation created by attackers against defenders.
- Reduced the error on Heel to Heel to make it a more effective Skill Move. Consecutive Error will still apply however, meaning you can still expect to see error on the 2nd or 3rd consecutive Heel to Heel.
- Fixed an error where Rainbow would fail and hit the player’s backside.
Auto Switch Move Assistance
- We’ve made improvements to defender movement when the ball is in air on long lobbed through passes, lobbed passes, and crosses. This is to avoid switched defenders unintentionally running towards the ball instead of following the receiver in these situations, especially with over the top lobbed through passes. This Auto Switch move assistance will be enabled regardless of your switching setting.
Quality-of-Life Improvements:
- We’ve delayed gesture pass input by 1.5 seconds during free kicks. This is to avoid unintentional gesture passes from an inadvertent touch when quickly taking a free kick.
- We’ve balanced the amount of error for headed shots relative to the distance from goal.
- We’ve removed Counter chances from the game entirely.
Thank you for reading this Gameplay deep dive, we hope you’re as excited for the new update as we are!
-The FIFA Mobile Team
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