Review your changes
You’ve selected the [[ targetSubscription.levelLabel ]] monthly plan. On [[ targetSubscription.nextBillingDate ]], you’ll be charged [[ targetSubscription.price ]], which will automatically renew monthly.
You’ve selected the [[ targetSubscription.levelLabel ]] annual plan. On [[ targetSubscription.nextBillingDate ]], you’ll be charged [[ targetSubscription.price ]] for a yearly membership, which will automatically renew every year.
Current membership
Expires on: [[ subscription.endDate ]]
New membership
Next billing date: [[ targetSubscription.nextBillingDate ]]
By clicking “Confirm Changes” I accept the , the , the , and applicable . I understand that the EA app must be installed in order to access my games.
I authorize EA to automatically charge the then-current renewal subscription fee (plus applicable taxes or inclusive of applicable taxes based on billing address) to my chosen payment method on each renewal date. I may cancel my subscription at any time . After cancellation, I can continue to play until the end of my subscription period.
Need more help with your order? Visit .
By clicking “Schedule Switch” I accept the , the , the , and applicable . I understand that the EA app must be installed in order to access my games.
I authorize EA to automatically charge the then-current renewal subscription fee (plus applicable taxes or inclusive of applicable taxes based on billing address) to my chosen payment method on each renewal date. I may cancel my subscription at any time . After cancellation, I can continue to play until the end of my subscription period.
Need more help with your order? Visit .
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We had some trouble processing your request
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We had some trouble processing your request
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We had some trouble processing your request
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We had some trouble processing your request
We encountered a temporary issue with your payment provider. Select a different payment method, or try again a little later.
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To continue, you’ll need to confirm your purchase with your payment provider.
Redirecting you to payment provider’s site
Stay right there, and we’ll get you sorted to complete your purchase.
Your membership’s been updated
Congrats on becoming an [[ targetSubscription.levelLabel ]] ([[ targetSubscription.recurrence ]]) member! Your next billing date is [[ targetSubscription.nextBillingDateAfterChange ]]. Got any questions? Visit our for helpful information.
You successfully updated your membership! Got any questions? Visit our for helpful information.
Data retrieval was a bust
We couldn’t load your membership details. Refreshing the page may fix the issue, or you can come back and try again later.