• Beyond White Noise for Real-Time Rendering

    Going beyond white noise for temporal and spatial denoising in real-time rendering can produce better results with no increase in rendering time.

    In this presentation, SEED’s Alan Wolfe discusses the use of different types of noise for random number generation, focusing on applications in real time rendering, and includes research just published at I3D 2024.

    In randomized rendering algorithms, white noise is used by the supporting math and does indeed work. However, changing the source of random numbers can produce much higher-quality results without increasing rendering time. So, without even switching the rendering algorithm, using better noise can significantly improve the perceptual quality or measured error of images in ray trace rendering and beyond.

    Alan’s presentation covers:

    • Randomness and fairness in number generation
    • Stochastic rendering
    • Noise textures and error patterns

    Download the presentation deck (PDF 14 MB).


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