Gigi Lightning Talks

This past summer, SEED brought together developers for the first ever Gigi Jam. Game developers from all over Electronic Arts were invited to show off their prowess using the Gigi rapid prototyping platform for real-time rendering.
The Gigi Jam gave participants a forum to learn new things and share their work with others. And in the process, it helped to prepare Gigi for open sourcing.
We received 13 amazing entries on topics including differentiable rendering, Perlin noise-based explosion effects, ray-traced particle systems rendered in screen space, and not-yet published research papers on physics simulations. Four of those entires are presented here in the form of lightning talks.
What is Gigi?
Gigi is a graphics development platform that aims to make graphics programming as simple as possible without sacrificing power. Gigi gives you full access to the capabilities of the GPU — rasterization, raytracing, compute, and more — without needing to write a single line of C++. Gigi facilitates rapid prototyping, rapid development, and sharing work across engines and graphics APIs. The target audience includes professionals, researchers, students, and hobbyists.
Gigi is open-sourced on GitHub at: