
我们最近获悉一家自称EA Sports(EASN艺电链)的第三方团体正在冒充Electronic Arts的关联公司和EA SPORTS的旗下品牌。该团体还自创了称作“数字货币”或“艺电链”的加密货币,并向玩家索取个人信息,以及诱导玩家访问潜在的恶意网站。我们在此声明,该团体及其“艺电链”与EA、EA SPORTS、我们的游戏工作室、产品或服务不存在任何隶属或关联关系。EA并没有加密货币的业务。我们认为这是一场骗局,并且在此敦促玩家们切勿向他们提供个人信息。
“We recently learned of a third-party entity "EA Sports (EASN)" that is falsely posing as an affiliate of Electronic Arts and the EA SPORTS franchises. This group has also created a "Digital Currency Token" or "EASN Token" as a form of cryptocurrency, and are soliciting personal information and directing players to potentially malicious websites. We want to confirm that this group and its "EASN Token" are in no way affiliated or associated with EA, EA SPORTS, or any of our studios, products or services. EA is not in the cryptocurrency business. We believe this to be a scam and want to caution urge our players against providing not to provide them any personal information.”