F1® 2021
for Xbox One
Accessibility Resources

Assists/ Assists Restrictions

Driving Proficiency (Assists Menu Only)
Select an option to choose from a range of preset assist setups designed to cater to different levels of experience. This option includes Amateur, Experienced, Professional, Elite, and Custom. The default is set to Amateur. This setting affects settings in other areas of this menu.
Steering Assist
Turn On/Off to enable or disable steering assistance to guide players around the track when required. Enabling this assist will also set the Braking Assist and Traction Control to their highest settings. The default is set to Off.
Braking Assist
Select an option to enable braking assistance when required. The higher the setting the more assistance will be provided. This option includes Off, Low, Medium, and High. The default is set to Medium.
Anti-Lock Brakes
Turn On/Off to enable or disable anti-lock brakes When enabled, the brakes will not lock up while braking. The default is set to On.
Traction Control
Select an option to choose how traction control will be handled. This option includes Off, Medium, and Full. With this assist enabled the car will be less likely to lose traction when accelerating. The higher the setting the more assistance will be provided. The default is set to Full.
Dynamic Racing Line
Select an option to choose how the racing line will be displayed. With this assist enabled there will be a racing line displayed on the track colored to show when to accelerate when to brake. This option includes Off, Corners Only, or Full. The default is set to Full.
Dynamic Racing Line Type (Assists Menu Only)
Select an option to choose a racing line type. Toggle between a 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional Dynamic Racing Line. The default is set to 3D.
Select an option to specify the type of gearbox control you want to have. This option includes Automatic and Manual and Suggested Gear. The default is set to Automatic.
Pit Assist
Turn On/Off to enable or disable pit assist. With this assist enabled the car will automatically slow down and apply the pit lane speed limiter on pit entry and deactivate it on the exit. The default is set to On.
Pit Release Assist
Turn On/Off to enable or disable pit release assist. With this assist enabled the car will automatically leave the pit box after a stop. The default is set to On.
ERS Assist
Turn On/Off to enable or disable ERS assist. With tis assist enabled ERS will be automatically managed, with overtake being deployed to assist on straights and with overtakes whilst managing energy levels to ensure the battery is not depleted. The default is set to On
DRS Assist
Turn On/Off to enable or disable DRS assist. With this assist enabled DRS will be automatically opened for the player without requiring a button press when they reach the DRS activation line during Practice, Qualifying, or when less the one second behind a car during a race. The default is set to On.