F1® 2021
for Xbox One
Accessibility Resources

Weather and Time of Day

Quick Weather
Select an option to specify a weather type for the whole weekend of choose dynamic which will randomize it. This option includes Dynamic, Clear (Dry), Light Cloud (Dry), Overcast (Dry), Overcast (Wet), and Overcast (Very Wet). The default is set to dynamic.
Customise Weather
Select this option to specify the custom weather for each session during the weekend.
Session Start Time
Select an option to specify a time of day for the whole weekend. This option includes Realistic, Random, Sunrise, Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Sunset, Dusk, Midnight, and Dawn. The default is set to Realistic.
Customise Session Start Time
Select this option to specify the custom time of day and time progression speed for each session during a weekend.