F1® 2021
for Xbox Series X
Accessibility Resources

Simulation Settings

AI Difficulty
Adjust to determine the skill level of an AI competitors. This option has a value range of Very Easy (0-19), Easy (20-39), Medium (40-59), Hard (60-79), Expert (80-89), Master (90-94), Legend (95-100), and Ultimate (101-110). The default is set to 31 (Easy).
Surface Type
Select an option to specify off track surfaces properties. This option includes Simplified and Realistic. Simplified will make them easier to drive over so you can get back on track more quickly. The default is set to Realistic.
Recovery Mode
Select to option to choose the recover type to use on-track. This option includes None, Flashbacks, and Auto-Reset to Track. The default is set to Flashbacks.
Flashback Limit
Select an option to specify the Flashback limit for each session. This option includes Low, Medium, High, and Unlimited. The number of flashback available under Low/Medium/High will scale depending on the type and length of each session. Changes to this setting during a session will not take effect until restarting or entering the next session during the next weekend. The default is Unlimited.
Car Damage
Select an option to specify how damage will affect the handling of the car. This option includes Reduced, Standard, and Simulation. The default is set to Reduced.
Car Damage Rate
Select an option to specify how quickly your call will suffer damage because of collisions. This option includes Reduced, Standard, and Simulation. The default is set to Standard.
Low Fuel Mode
Select an option to specify how drastically the car’s top speed will be limited when the car is in low fuel mode. This option includes Easy and Hard. When set to Easy, the cars top speed will be slightly reduced and when set to Hard, the cars top speed will be significantly reduced on low fuel. The default is set to Easy.
Race Starts
Select an option to specify if race stats will be assisted or manual. Manual starts require you to release the clutch in order to pull away from the grid. The default is set to Assisted.
Turn On/Off to specify if collisions can occur between cars or not. If set to off all cars will be able to pass through each other. The default is set to On.
Tyre Temperature
Select an option to choose the level of realism regarding tyre temperature. This option includes Surface & Carcass and Surface Only. Setting this to Surface Only will always set carcass temperature to optimal levels. The default is set to Surface & Carcass.