Madden NFL 20
for PC
Guide for the Visually Impaired

Madden NFL 20 Player’s Guide for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Madden 20 contains descriptive audio menus that cover most of the game’s front-end. This guide is designed to help you set up that feature and give basic information on gameplay. For any questions, please ask on the Technical Issues forum at
- Overview
- PC Controls
- First Log In
- Initial Gameplay
- Gameplay Reference
- Kick Meter Rules
- Ball Carrier Rules
- Offense Ball Carrier Rules
- Defense Ball Carrier Rules
- Kick Off
- Kick Off Offense
- Kick Off Defense
- Play Call
- Offense
- Offense Run Plays
- Offense Pass Plays
- Offense Punt Plays
- Defense
- Offense
- Touchdown
- Advanced Play
- How to Turn Off Clock
- Offense Advanced Play Picking
- Defense Advanced Play Picking
- Kick-Off Plays
- Quitting on End of Game
- Game Modes
- Exhibition
- Ultimate Team
- Franchise
- Face of Franchise
- Superstar KO
American football is a sport played on a rectangular field that is 100 yards long and 50 yards wide, with two goal posts on opposite ends of the 100-yard field stretch. The field is measured in yards, with the center of the field marked as the 50-yard line, then it counts down towards the goal posts on either side of the field, labeled in increments of 10. The 0-yard lines are referred to as end zones.
The game is split into quarters which are each 6 minutes long by default. Time spent between plays does not count towards the clock.
The goal of the game is to get points, which are either accomplished by:
- Earning touchdowns by reaching the end zone for 6 pints
- After a touchdown—kicking the ball through the goal post for 1 point or opting to try to cross the end zone again from the 2-yard line for 2 points
- Tacking the other team while they are in their own endzone for 2 points, this is a safety
- Kicking the ball through the goal post unrelated to a touchdown for 3 points, this is a field goal
All games start with a kickoff, where one team kicks the ball away from their end zone, and the other team catches the ball and runs away from their own goal. The kicking team tries to stop the ball carrier from advancing by tackling—pretty much grabbing them and pulling them to the ground.
When on offense, the team has 4 attempts to advance 10 yards, called downs. If they succeed, the attempts are reset back to 4. If they fail, control passes to the other team. Often the ball is kicked in the 4th down to get it as far away as possible from the kicker’s end zone—this is called a punt and is essentially equivalent of a kickoff. A punt that makes it through the goal post at the end of the field is a field goal (3 points) and relinquishes control of the ball to the opponent at their own 20-yard line. If a ball is loose after the 4th down, it also starts on the 20-yard line. If a touchdown occurs (6 points), the team that earned the touchdown has a choice of advancing the ball into the end zone again for 2 points or kicking the ball through the goal post for 1 point. After this, the ball is kicked off again, and the opposing team gains control of the ball.
A game controller with haptic feedback, such as an Xbox controller, is recommended for PC play. This will provide additional feedback to the state of gameplay, such as kick meter progress. For more information on controller vibration support please see the Xbox guide for gamepad use.
When you first launch the game, on your PC you will want to find the Accessibility Settings Menu and turn on Menu Narration. To do this, use the directional pad on the computer’s keyboard and click the down arrow three times. Then click the SPACEBAR.
The display should now show the Accessibility Setting Menu. The first option is highlighted. This is the Menu Narration option. Its default setting is OFF. To turn it on, use the directional pad on the computer’s keyboard and click the right arrow. The Menu Narration is now turned on. You should hear a voice say, “Menu Narration is now set to ON.”
By having this option ON, you will now be able to hear options on most menus throughout the game.
To exit this screen, click the BACKSPACE button on your computer’s keyboard. This will take you back to the main screen where you can hear and choose your game settings. Here you can choose the experience level or difficulty you would like to play the game in, game style, and favorite team. The team that you choose will be your default team in all game modes. You can change this at any time by going to the Settings Menu.
When you are satisfied with your selections use the direction pad on the computer’s keyboard to select continue. Press the SPACEBAR.
Once you have completed the First Log In, you will be immediately sent into a PROBOWL game with two teams. You will hear various stadium noises and an announcer will announce that you have entered the 2019 PROBOWL game. This game is between AFC and NFC. You will be playing for both teams interchangeably. On top the screen from left to right is the logo for AFC, AFC score, NFC score, logo for NFC, the quarter number, timer, and yards down and distance.
On the left side of the screen is a rectangular box that reads “Special Teams.” It gives you three Kickoff Options. Kickoff Left (Q button), Kickoff Middle (W button), and Kickoff Right (SPACEBAR).
At this point if you wish to exit this game and start another game option press ESCAPE (ESC) on your computer keyboard. This will take you to the pause menu where menu narration will resume, and you can quit or restart the game. This menu will also give you access to coaching settings and options and game settings as well. Press Z or C to access these menus.
If you wish to continue the game. Choose one of the three Kickoff Options: Kickoff Left (Q button), Kickoff Middle (W button), or Kickoff Right (SPACEBAR).
Once you choose a Kickoff Option, a player on your team will be positioned to kick the ball. Use the directional keypad on the computer keyboard to aim the kick. Then choose the type of kick you would like to use. You can select either: Sky Kick (Press 1), Normal Kick (Press 2), or Squib Kick (Press 3). Note, these options are available each time you kickoff. Once you have selected an option, press the SPACEBAR to activate the kick meter in the middle of the screen. You will want to press the SPACEBAR after two seconds and again after another two seconds. This is the approximate range for a good kick. Once the ball is in the air it will be caught in the End Zone by a player of the opposite team.
Your goal will be to tackle that player and other players on the opposing team using plays. These plays will be displayed on the left side of your screen. You can choose plays by pressing the down arrow on the keyboard directional keypad. The following options are available: Suggestions, Formation, Concept, Play Type, Personnel, Recent Plays, Adjustments, and Super Slim. When you have chosen an option, you will be given three plays to use. If you do not like those options, you can use the down arrow on the direction keypad for more options. These options will vary but you can choose an option by pressing the Q button, W button, or SPACEBAR.
During this time, player stats will appear on the right side of the screen as the game waits for you to select. Once the selection is made the game will continue. The game will end after the 4th quarter.
Kick Meter Rules
The following instructions demonstrates how you will kick the ball:
Press the SPACEBAR button to start the kicking meter.
Press the SPACEBAR button to start the power part of the meter.
Press the SPACEBAR button again. This is for accuracy. The goal is to get a perfect setting on both power and accuracy. This system is for any kicking situation so kicking a field goal or an extra point or a punt does not require different instructions.
Offense Ball Carrier Rules
If you do not use the directional keypad on the keyboard, the player will automatically try to avoid players and run towards the end zone. If you wish to steer, use left or right arrow on the keyboard, and keep heading “up” to move towards the goal. Use the F button to try to spin away from opponents or use the Q button to try to dive with the ball for more yards. See ball carrier section of user manual if you wish to try more advanced moves.
Defense Ball Carrier Rules
Your job is to block offense players and tackle the ball carrier. The players will all move automatically if you avoid hitting a stick. Press the Q or E button to engage an offense player or tackle the ball carrier.
When the game starts, one of two things will happen.
Kickoff Offense
If you are on offense, when the commentators go silent, you can kick the ball. Pressing the SPACEBAR button will select the default suggested kick play.
See kick meter rules for details on the kick meter.
Once the ball is kicked, your role will switch to stopping the ball carrier from advancing. Press the Q button to tackle the player. All characters will automatically move towards the ball carrier. You are now on defense.
Kickoff Defense
If you are on defense—you need to select a play. Pressing the SPACEBAR button will select the default suggested play. Your character will move automatically to catch the ball. Do not touch the directional keypad until the ball is caught. You are now on offense and follow ball carrier rules.
After kick-off, you will start picking plays.
The following contains information on how to use recommended plays via computer keyboard.
Press the Q, W, or SPACEBAR button to pick suggested play. Press the SPACEBAR button again to snap the ball (passes it to the quarterback so he can make a play).
Offense Run Plays
The QB will hand the ball off immediately, and ball carrier rules apply.
Offense Pass Plays
Tap all the following buttons to make a pass: E, F, Q, R, or SPACEBAR. In the game, these letters will appear as icons appear over each player’s head the first time they are open for a pass. By tapping the buttons, you are ensuring that the player is open as early as possible. There is no guarantee that a player will remain open. Once the ball is in the air you can stop tapping the button. Press Q (RAC Catch) or R (Aggressive Catch) to attempt to grab catch the ball and run toward the goal. An aggressive catch will give you greater odds of obtaining the ball. It does not matter how long you press the button for catching the ball, or exactly when you press it—the ball simply must be in the air. Once the passed ball is caught, ball carrier rules apply.
Offense Punt Plays
Select a Punt Play. Follow the kick meter rules.
Rarely suggested, fake punt plays are run/pass plays, but attempt to trick the other team into thinking it is a punt play. The kick meter rules apply, but the ball will not be kicked. Immediately after the kick meter is adjusted, the play you chose will be in play. For example, instead of kicking the ball after you adjust the meter the ball might be passed to a player and that player will start running toward the goal.
Press Q, W, or SPACEBAR to pick the suggested play. Once the quarterback snaps the ball, the ball will be in the air. Try pressing W or S to block it. Swap players using F button and press Q or to engage offense players or tackle the ball carrier. Defense rules otherwise apply.
When a touchdown occurs, there’s an attempt to get extra points. The suggested play will either be a punt play or a fake punt play. Offensive and defensive rumbles and rules apply. After a touchdown, kickoff occurs again, with the ball’s control switching teams.
If you wish to pick your own plays, this section is for you. First, it is recommended that you turn off the clock, so you can practice navigating the menus without time pressure. Note that it is not possible to turn off the clock for online multiplayer.
How to Turn Off Clock
- Use the right arrow on the directional keypad until you hear Customize.
- Press the SPACEBAR to enter the Customize menu
- Use the down arrow on the directional keypad until you hear Settings.
- Press the SPACEBAR to enter the Settings menu.
- Press the SPACEBAR again to enter the Settings menu.
- Press the SPACEBAR to enter Game Options.
- Use the down arrow on the directional keypad until you hear Play Clock.
- Use the right arrow on the directional keypad to turn this option OFF.
Offense Advanced Play Picking
When you are playing offensively the Advance Play menu will appear on the right side of your screen.
To access the Play Type menu, press the down arrow on the directional pad on the computer keyboard three times then press the SPACEBAR to enter the submenus.
When you press the left or right arrows on the directional keypad you will be able to cycle through Pass, Run and Special Team Menu. Pass is default.
Pass Menu Options: Quick Pass, Standard Pass, Shotgun Pass, Play Action Pass, Screen Pass, and Hail Mary
Run Menu Options: Inside Handoff, Outside Handoff, Pitch, Counter, Draw, FB Run, QB Run
RPO Menu Options: RPO Read, RPO Peak, and RPO Alert
Option Menu Options: Options
Special Menu Options: Special Teams and Clock Management
Pressing SPACEBAR on any of these options opens a submenu of plays. The plays vary based on the playbook you are using. You are guaranteed at least one option of each. All plays in a category function similarly.
Select a play using up/down on the computer’s directional keypad to move between sets of 3, and press Q, W or SPACEBAR to select a play. Not all menus will be full, so if a button doesn’t select a play, try a different button.
Defense Advanced Play Picking
When you are playing defensively the Advance Play menu will appear on the right side of your screen.
To access the Play Type menu, press the down arrow on the directional pad on the computer keyboard three times then press the SPACEBAR to enter the submenus.
Here you will be able to scroll through Man Coverage, Zone Coverage, Blitz, and Special.
Man Coverage Options: Man Coverage and Man Zone
Zone Coverage Options: 2-Zone, Cover 3 Zone, and Deep Zone
Blitz Options: Man Blitz, Zone Blitz, and Combo Blitz
Goaline: Goal Line
Special Options: Special Teams
Like Offense, pressing SPACEBAR on any of these options opens a submenu of plays. The plays vary based on the playbook you are using. You are guaranteed at least one option of each. All plays in a category function similarly.
Select a play using up/down on the computer’s directional keypad to move between sets of 3, and press Q, W or SPACEBAR to select a play. Not all menus will be full, so if a button doesn’t select a play, try a different button.
Kick-Off Plays
There are no advanced kick-off menus, it’s just a list. Select Kickoff Left (Q button), Kickoff Middle (W button), and Kickoff Right (SPACEBAR).
Quitting on End of Game
After the game is completed, return to the current mode’s menu by doing the following:
Use the computer mouse to select finish game. This will bring you to the Play Now Live screen where you can choose to join another game, or you can select the BACKSPACE button to be taken back to the main screen where you can choose other modes.
Allows you to play in 5 different modes: Play Now, Online Head to Head, Pro Bowl, Skills Trainer, and Practice Mode.
Ultimate Team
This mode allows you to build your own fantasy team and play with that team. Players are based on NFL’s current line-up, superstars and legends.
This is a story mode that allows you play as an active NFL Player, Coach, Owner, or create your own character as you aim for the Hall of Fame.
Face of Franchise
This is a story mode that allows you to create a personalize career campaign centered around your skill and choices as a Quarter back. You have a chance to play through the College Football National Championships and the NFL Combine to earn your spot in the NFL Draft. Once you’ve selected a team you will be given events and challenges that will help you build your NFL career story.
Superstar KO
It is an online eliminator mode that allows you to play games that can last from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. It combines Superstar X-Factors, custom rules, unique teams and stadiums as well as commentary style to provide a different type of playing experience.
Accessibility Resources
Madden NFL 20 Text Game Manual for PC
Plain-text manual for easy text-to-speech
Madden NFL 20 Blind and Visually Impaired Manual for PC
Player’s Guide for the Blind and Visually Impaired