Madden NFL 20
for PC
Accessibility Menu

Menu Narration
Turn On or Off to enable or disable menu narration. Audio is only available when connected to EA servers. The default is set to Off.
VOIP Window
Allows you to turn on VOIP to text in the game.
Allows subtitles during for Face of Franchise.
Enlarge On Field Graphics
Allows icons on the field to appear larger.
Controller Vibration
Adjust vibration feedback on controller
Color Blindness
Adjust color for color blindness
Adjust overall game brightness
Adjust overall game contrast
VOIP to Text Menu Fade
Adjust transparency of VOIP to Text menu. The lower the value the more transparent the menu will be.
VOIP to Text Menu Location
Adjust the location of the menu.
Master Volume
Adjust the volume of the game. You can also adjust this setting using your headset. It has a range value of 0-100.
Audio Mix
Adjust the type of music you will hear while playing. You can choose from a preloaded mix or make your own.
In-Game Commentary
Adjust the volume of in-game commentary. It has a range value of 0-100.
Stadium Speakers
Adjust the volume on any sounds coming out of the stadium speakers. It has a range value of 0-100.
Crowd Volume
Adjust the volume of fans and crowd in the stadium. It has a range value of 0-100.
On the Field
Adjust the volume on any sounds coming from the field. It has a range value of 0-100.
Adjust the volume of that plays on the menu screen as well as the broadcast music during the game. It has a range value of 0-100.
Menu SFX
Adjust the all music effect sounds. It has a range value of 0-100.
Voice Chat
Turn ON/OFF voice chat during multiplayer modes.
Accessibility Resources
Madden NFL 20 Text Game Manual for PC
Plain-text manual for easy text-to-speech
Madden NFL 20 Blind and Visually Impaired Manual for PC
Player’s Guide for the Blind and Visually Impaired