We want you to come play our games and tell us what you think. Every Playtest is different and at the end, we’ll reward you as a thanks for your time.

After creating a profile by clicking the button above, you can sign-up for available Playtests in Montreal. Honesty is top priority when answering the participant survey.
We’re looking for all types of gamers, so keep signing up for Playtests to maximize your chances of being selected.
If you’re selected, you’ll receive an email invitation from us a few days before the Playtest.

Our lab is located in our studio, in the heart of Montreal, at the following address:
2200, rue Stanley
Montreal, QC, H3A 1R6
Most of our playtests will require you to come to the studio in person.
If you would like to know more, reach out to playtesting@ea.com.

How do I sign up for this program?
Click Become a Playtester. After you create your profile, you can sign‑up for available Playtests in your area.
Am I eligible to sign up?
If you’re 15 years or older, and are interested in video games, you’re just what we’re looking for.
I rarely play games. Should I still sign up?
Totally. We invite gamers of all types to test our games.
I don't own or play games at all. Should I still sign up?
Yes. Sometimes we need to hear from people just like you, though these sorts of tests may be less frequent.
What if I want to cancel my Playtest appointment?
Email playtesting@ea.com, and include the test date in your email (the sooner, the better). If you’ve already received an email invitation, simply reply to the email if you are unable to make the Playtest.
When I sign up, what types of emails will I receive?
You will receive emails for upcoming Playtest opportunities at your local EA studio and occasional special events.
I don't want to receive any emails from EA Playtesting, how do I opt‑out?
Two ways: click "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email newsletter or contact us at playtesting@ea.com with the request.
How often can I sign up for Playtest sessions?
Sign up for as many Playtests that match your availability.
Do I have to sign up to be eligible for a Playtest?
Yes. There will be a participant survey available for each Playtest. Completing this survey is the first step in the selection process.
How soon will I be contacted after I sign up for a Playtest session?
Invitations are normally sent 1 to 3 days before the playtest.

Can my friend also come and participate?
Playtest participation is by invitation only. Please have your friends sign up for a chance to play together!
Can I tell my friends and family about anything in the session?
Per our Playtest Agreement signed before every test, all details regarding the session are strictly confidential.

What type of reward items are offered?
You'll be able to choose one or more free EA games as a reward depending on the length of the Playtest, and Playtests can occasionally offer additional rewards!
Am I able to change my game reward once I've made my selection?
Yes. Contact us 24 hours before your scheduled playtest to request a rewards change. We cannot guarantee any changes to same day requests.
Will I be able to get the game that I'm testing?
If a game has been released by the date of your Playtest, we may offer it as a reward. If a game hasn't been released by the date of your Playtest, it won't be available as a Playtest reward.
If I am able to receive more than one reward item, will I be able to choose two of the same game titles?
For new releases (1‑3 months old) the courtesy is to receive one copy so that all Playtests have the opportunity to take home a new release.
I received an Origin product code but am unable to redeem it. What should I do?
Please contact us at playtesting@ea.com for assistance.
I have a question that’s not answered in the FAQs.
If you have any other questions regarding EA Playtesting, please email: playtesting@ea.com.