Blocking & Hot Routes In Madden 25
Madden games can be won or lost based on how prepared you are before the snap. In this video, I'm going over the pass blocking and hot route mechanics in Madden 25 so that you can become an expert in pre-snap preparation.
Pass Blocking Mechanics
There are tons of new ways to set up your pass protection in Madden 25:
If you want to view Pass Blocking Assignments: Press and hold LB on Xbox or L1 on PlayStation to open the pass protection menu. This shows you which players will block which defenders. Unaccounted blitzers have a flame or fire icon above their head.
Pass Protection Options:
- Base Protection
Default blocking assignments. Good for most plays. Blocked running backs typically pick up linebackers or slot cornerbacks.
- Empty Protection
Used in empty sets or without extra blockers. Linemen won't double team defensive tackles.
- Full Slide Left/Right:
Shift blocking assignments entirely to one side. Ideal when blocking six or seven players.
- Half Slide Left/Right
Slide only part of the line. Running backs usually block linebackers or slot cornerbacks.
- ID The Mic
Change which defender your running back blocks by pressing A on Xbox or X on PlayStation.
- Max Protect
Keeps all running backs and tight ends in pass blocking.
- Double Team
Press down on the right stick to slow down dominant pass rushers.
Hot Routes
You can hot route a receiver by first pressing y on Xbox or triangle on PlayStation and then selecting the icon of the player whose route you want to change.
Outside receiver on the left side of the field hot routes menu options will be
- press up on the left stick to put him on a fade
- press left on the left stick to put him on a speed out
- press right on the left stick to put him on an in route
- press down on the left stick to put him on a curl
- press up on the right stick to put him on a post
- press left on the right stick to put them on a c-shaped corner route
- press right on the right stick to put them on a slant
- press down on the right stick to put them on a drag
- press the left Trigger or L2 to put them on a comeback route
- press the right Trigger or R2 to put them on a smoke screen
Hot Routes for Slot Receivers have similar options than outside receivers with slight variations.
Hot Routes for options for Tight Ends are Similar to slot receivers with minor differences.
Hot Routes Options for Running Backs include streak, out route, in route, curl, swing routes, and blocking assignments.
Smart Routes and Custom Stems
Smart Routes
Smart routes have been around for a while now but in case you don't know, smart routing a receiver's route tells him to make his break just beyond the first downline.
Smart routing can be done by pressing RB or R1 from the hot routes menu and while you can't smart route every route, it works especially well with Post, Corners, In Routes, Out Routes and Curls.
Custom Stems
Custom stems are new to Madden 25 and they're essentially the more advanced version of smart routes because they allow you to tell your receiver to make his break at any depth you want to use a custom route.
To use a custom route stem: After selecting your receiver from the hot routes menu you just have to press and hold the LB or L1 button then you can move your left stick up or down to adjust your receiver's route and make him break at whatever depth you want. There truly is no limit to how far up or down you can adjust your receiver's route stem, so with custom stems the only limit is your own creativity.
Buying yourself time to throw and putting your receivers on top-notch Route combos are absolutely fundamental to having a successful passing attack. Once you master both of these aspects of pre-nap strategy, there's no doubt you'll be winning way more Madden games.
Become an expert in pre-snap preparation by checking out these tips on pass-blocking and hot routes in Madden 25.