User Handoffs & Trick Plays In Madden 25
Madden 25 is full of trick plays and new mechanics that you can use to master misdirection on the virtual gridiron. In this guide, we'll cover how to use handoff mechanics on kick returns, RPOs, and read options, and then we'll share our top five favorite trick plays in Madden 25.
Kick Return Trick Play Handoffs
To use these plays from the kick return screen:
- Press LB or L1 to go to the Tricks Tab.
- Select Return Reverse Left, Returner Read Option, or Return Reverse Right.
After your returner catches the kickoff, run straight up the middle of the field. Next locate the player coming on the reverse, indicated by the LB or L1 icon. Move towards him and hold LB or L1 to hand the ball off.
Try to aim to get your returner parallel to the reverse player for smooth handoffs. Once mastered, you'll catch your opponent's kick coverage team off-guard.
Kick Return Read Option
Similar to the reverse, but you have the option to hand off to your other deep returner. He'll have the LB or L1 icon above his head. Hold LB or L1 to hand the ball off.
User Handoffs on RPOs and Read Options
Identify the read key defender, marked with an R icon above his head. After the snap, if the read key stays outside, do nothing; the ball is automatically handed off.
If the read key comes in, hold A on Xbox or X on PlayStation to keep the ball with your quarterback and run into open space.
Tall6uy’s Five Favorite Trick Plays
Motion Double Pass Halfback Screen
- Formation: Gun Pro Weak
- Playbooks: Bengals, Titans
- Before the snap, your slot receiver goes in motion
- After the snap, your QB throws back to him
- If you have a numbers advantage, take off down the sideline
- To pass, press the icon of your running back to throw across the field
Philly Special
- Formation: Pistol Philly
- Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
- Before the snap, the QB walks towards the flat.
- The ball is snapped to the RB, who tosses it to the receiver for a pass.
- If nothing is open, run for yards.
- If the QB is open, throw to him for a classic play
End Around Lead
- Formation: Single Back Bunch
- Playbooks: Broncos, Browns, Cardinals, Cowboys, Patriots, Run and Gun
- Afte the snap, sake a handoff to the RB, then hand off to the receiver on the reverse.
- This play often misdirects the defense, leaving space on the outside.
RPO Zone Alert
- Formation: Gun Monster
- Playbook: Spread
- Offensive tackles line up wide, confusing defenders.
- Hand off for easy yards up the middle.
- If the defense stacks the box, throw to wide receivers on smoke screens.
Motion Double Pass
- Formation: Gun Bunch Strong Nasty
- Playbooks: Buccaneers, Panthers
- After the snap, the QB throws a backward pass to the outside receiver. The middle receiver often pulls defenders, leaving open space to take off and gain yards.

Spruce Goose breaks down some of the best trick plays and new mechanics that will make you a master of misdirection in Madden 25.