"What? It’s only rocket science!"
Flux is a genius scientist, avid cat enthusiast, and the youngest person ever admitted to Propulsion Prep. Flux believes science can solve any problem! Crater’s most excitable prodigy recently took a break from her classes to join the Tour. Why? She prefers to test her science in the field, and what better field than a Rocket Tour arena?!
She uses a trusty laser pointer to guide her aptly-named Rockats (Rocket Cats. Rockats. Get it?) around the arena towards opponents. She can also create a massive Black Hole Cat that moves slowly across the map, growing exponentially in size and power by devouring all rockets in its path. With a fully fed Black Hole Cat, Flux can help her team push towards objectives and zone out opponents.
Flux prefers to orchestrate her rainbow-fueled mayhem from a safe distance. If trouble does manage to reach her though, she can instantly shift into another dimension (appropriately named, “Fluxverse”) to slip away unharmed. While in this colorful parallel reality, she is able to skip about the arena completely unseen.
Guided, bouncing rockets.
Slow-moving black hole that grows in scale and damage by catching incoming attacks.
Temporarily hide from opponents in an alternate dimension.