"Let’s fire up the scrap rockets!"
The fast-firing Plink is new to the Tour. His rockets, teleporter, and boomerang are scavenged out of scrap from his home region.
Plink’s homing rockets chase enemies at close range, and his handy boomerang ricochets off the arena toward his target.
Plink is a short-range skirmisher who closes the distance between his opponents with a thrown teleporter, perfect for his preferred hit and run playstyle. He excels at getting behind enemy lines and attacking his opponents' backsides. His small stature and high mobility make him a difficult target to hit. However, these traits are crucial to Plink’s survivability as he is one of the easiest competitors to Megablast.
Short ranged & rapid fire homing rockets.
Ricochets off walls before returning.
Thrown teleporter. Reactivate to teleport to its location & damage nearby opponents.