Football Ultimate Team™


Football Ultimate Team 是《EA SPORTS FC™》中的游戏模式之一,您可在其中基于全球数千名球员组建心目中的梦幻阵容,并带领您的球队参加单人模式比赛或与其他社区成员一决高下。

标题图片展示了一支 Rush 模式 5 人球队,他们站在绿黑相间的背景前,双臂交叉。
A jubilant Maradona raises his arms in celebration. The image promotes EA FC25's "Grassroot Greats" with a vibrant green and white card design.


Grassroots Greats honors past and present players who have risen from local leagues, university programs, and lower tiers of the football pyramid—proving that greatness can come from anywhere.

A vibrant image featuring a person in a shiny jacket with the text "FC25 FUTURE STARS." On the right, a card for Endrick, rated 93 ST, is displayed


Meet the young stars shining bright enough to light the road ahead—a new era, led by a new generation of Future Stars who play the game their way and show who they are every time they take the pitch. Each Future Star upgrade represents the potential these u23 players have to rise from wonderkid to world-class as their career progresses. They’ve only just scratched the surface of their on-the-pitch potential, and we think they’re on the cusp of global greatness.

Promotional art showing NumeroFUT cards against a pink and purple lined background


Celebrate the players who epitomise the number they wear during NumeroFUT, with each upgrade embodying the roles and capabilities their number traditionally represents. Experience Role++ boosts that match each number, plus stat and PlayStyle(+) upgrades to help bring authentic nuance to how every number can play on the pitch.

A promotional image for winter wildcards with title in front of dark deep ice


Decorate your Football Ultimate Team squad with festive favourites. Enjoy Winter Wildcards ICONs, player upgrades, daily player SBCs, and more.

FC25 Globetrotters Promotional Graphic showing 3 stylized black and blue cards with the earth as a background


Globetrotters celebrates players who have played the World’s Game, all around the world! These players are known for their adaptable nature and ability to fit into any team!

一张包含黄金卡面设计的“《FC 25》Ultimate Team:终极传承”宣传图。


利用“终极传承”球员让您的 Football Ultimate Team 更上一层楼——这些英雄、超级巨星和俱乐部宠儿都曾助力全球顶级球队铸就辉煌血脉与传承。

一张“雷霆出击《FC 25》Football Ultimate Team”宣传图,包含两张对比鲜明、风格化的暗色和亮色卡片。


利用黑色星期五“雷霆出击”球员赋予您的 Ultimate Team™ 雷霆之力。这些动态球员(包括现役球员和超级巨星)有机会基于所属俱乐部在接下来的几场国内联赛中的表现得到游戏内升级。雷霆出击超级巨星将基于其曾效力的俱乐部之一的表现得到升级!

被霓虹灯照亮的蓝色背景上排列着三枚闪闪发光的未来主义足球卡片包装,附带“FC PRO LIVE”文本。

FC Pro 直播

利用根据 FC Pro 公开赛赛果升级的动态物品,与您最喜爱的《EA SPORTS FC》职业选手一同壮大您的 Football Ultimate Team。

一张以“田径之星”为主题的《EA Sports FC 25》Ultimate Team 宣传图。


《EA SPORTS FC 25》中的全新活动“田径之星”将聚焦于曾在盛大的舞台上展现过卓越运动天赋的球员,每位田径之星的体能属性都将得到升级——从加速和冲刺速度到敏捷、平衡、力量、弹跳,甚至是耐力。部分田径之星球员还将获得主题比赛风格+和角色变更,以与这些突飞猛进的特性匹配。

一张《EA SPORTS FC 25》Ultimate Team“百夫长”活动宣传图,包含两张风格化卡片。



一张“《FC 25》Football Ultimate Team——开拓者活动”宣传图,包含火热的卡片视觉效果。


仰仗开拓者们带领您的 Football Ultimate Team™ 阵容强势起步。为了表彰这些在赛季初表现突出的球员们目前的绝佳状态,每位开拓者均拥有全新的比赛风格+。每项全新招牌能力都彰显了他们的球技在赛季开始时的进步,并将为其解锁在球场上大放异彩的新方式。

带有模糊绿色特效、正以滑跪指点动作庆祝的女足球员 James,旁边是她的 UT 卡片。


参与全面出击活动,体验 5 对 5 比赛的快节奏激情。参加全新 Football Ultimate Team™ Rush 赛事,在一周内组建不同主题的四人小队并获取奖励,帮助您的俱乐部更上一层楼。挑选球员并与最多 3 名好友组队,在球场上恪尽职守,证明怎样才算是这款世界性游戏的终极 5 人阵容。

一张展示了“淘汰赛之路”活动的图片,包含多彩的足球徽章设计和欧足联 UEFA 徽标。


Football Ultimate Team™ 赛季以有史以来最盛大的 UEFA 淘汰赛之路(RTTK)活动为起点拉开帷幕,更多比赛日也将接踵而至。随着各大俱乐部投身角逐并取得进展,获得升级的机会也越来越多。