How to Customize Support Class Starfighters

While competent in dogfights, the true value of support class starfighters like the U-wing and TIE reaper lies in supporting your squadron with life-saving supplies and repairs. Support starfighters can also disrupt enemy systems, making them easy targets for allies. Use components to modify your support starfighter’s performance and specialization. Get started with the two examples below, and once you get familiar with customization, make sure to experiment to find a loadout that works best for you.
How to Customize Interceptor Loadout, Example 1 – “Defensive Support”
- Starfighter: New Republic U-wing
- Primary: Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon
- Left auxiliary: Arakyd Tactical Supply Droid
- Right auxiliary: Loronar Tactical Shield
- Countermeasure: ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads
- Hull: Chempat Deflector Hull
- Shield: Chempat Fortified Deflector
- Engine: Incom SLAM Engine
A defensive build for improving team survivability. Launch Supply Droids to help individual allies and use the Tactical Shield during team engagements. The SLAM Engine allows you to have plenty of afterburner on hand to escape at a moment’s notice, allowing you to regenerate shields and utilize their increased capacity. However, watch out for ion weapons since they cut through shields very quickly! Stay alive to keep your team alive.
How to Customize Interceptor Loadout, Example 2 – “Offensive Support”
- Starfighter: Imperial TIE reaper
- Primary: Sienar Au-8 Guided Laser Cannon
- Left auxiliary: Sienar Targeting Beacons
- Right auxiliary: Sienar Deployment Turret
- Countermeasure: Sienar XX-5 Seeker Warheads
- Hull: Sienar Reinforced Hull
- Shield: Sienar Scrambler Shield
- Engine: Twin Ion Engine
An offensive support build. Use your Targeting Beacons and Deployment Turrets at the right time help your team push into and secure an area. While pushing, use your Guided Laser Cannon to lay on reliable assist fire while your Targeting Beacons are active. The Reinforced Hull and Scrambler Shield give more time for allies to come help you, should the enemy attempt a counterattack during pushes.