F1® 22
for Steam
Accessibility Resources

Weekend Structure

Weekend Structure
Select an option to choose the weekend structure you want to experience. This option includes Standard, Authentic, and Sprint & Race. The default is set to Standard.
Practice Format
Select an option to specify the number of practice session during the race weekend. This option includes Off, Single Session, and Full. In Career Mode, this option is locked to Full. The default is set to Off. Note: In a multiplayer session, this option is set to Off.
Qualifying Format
Select an option to specify the type of qualifying session. This option includes Off, One-Shot, Short, and Full. The default is One-Shot.
Session Length
Select an option to specify how long the race will be. The session length also determines the deration of any practice session. This option includes Very Short, Short, Medium, Long, and Full. The default is set to Short. Note: In a multiplayer, this option is set to Medium.
Select an option to specify how the grid order will be decided when there is not qualifying season. The default is set to Qualifying.
Click this option to edit the grid order for the race.